13-06 |
Young people and the evaluation of information on the World Wide Web: Principles, practice and beliefs (pdf)
Lifestyle |
13-06 |
Unpacking the Effect of Parental Monitoring on Early Adolescent Problem Behavior
Lifestyle |
13-03 |
Maternal Education, Home Environments, and the Development of Children and Adolescents (pdf)
Lifestyle |
13-03 |
Decision Strategies to Reduce Teenage and Young Adult Deaths in the United States (pdf)
Lifestyle |
13-03 |
The Development of Prosociality from Adolescence to Early Adulthood: The Role of Effortful Control
Lifestyle |
13-03 |
Middle school students overestimate normative support for aggression and underestimate normative support for nonviolent problem-solving strategies
Lifestyle |
13-03 |
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Negative Life Events From Late Childhood to Adolescence
Lifestyle |
13-01 |
Family Time Activities and Adolescents' Emotional Well-being (pdf)
Lifestyle |
12-12 |
Cultural influences on body dissatisfaction, body change behaviours, and disordered eating of Japanese adolescents
Lifestyle |
12-12 |
Can Organized Youth Activities Protect Against Internalizing Problems Among Adolescents Living in Violent Homes?
Lifestyle |
12-10 |
The Over-Scheduling Hypothesis Revisited: Intensity of Organized Activity Participation During Adolescence and Young Adult Outcomes
Lifestyle |
12-10 |
Is TV Traumatic for All Youths? The Role of Preexisting Posttraumatic-Stress Symptoms in the Link Between Disaster Coverage and Stress
Lifestyle |
12-08 |
Social Network Profiles as Information Sources for Adolescents' Offline Relations
Lifestyle |
12-08 |
Promoting Active Lifestyles in Young Children: Investigating Mothers' Decisions about their Child's Physical Activity and Screen Time Behaviours.
Lifestyle |
12-06 |
Body Talk and Body Ideals Among Adolescent Boys and Girls: A Mixed-Gender Focus Group Study
Lifestyle |
12-06 |
Differences in agency? How adolescents from 18 countries perceive and cope with their futures
Lifestyle |
12-06 |
‘‘Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who your friends will be’’: Consistency and change in social competence in adolescent friendships across school transitions
Lifestyle |
12-05 |
Comprehensive review on mobile phone technologies finds no solid evidence of health effects
Lifestyle |
12-05 |
What Protects Rejected Adolescents From Also Being Bullied by Their Peers?
Lifestyle |
12-05 |
More teenagers join the Scouts
Lifestyle |
12-05 |
Relationships and social rules: Teens’ social network and other ICT selection practices
Lifestyle |
12-05 |
New Perspectives on School Students’ Part-time Work
Lifestyle |
12-05 |
Understanding Society: a long term study of 40,000 UK households
Lifestyle |
12-03 |
Children having children? Religion, psychology and the birth of the teenage pregnancy problem
Lifestyle |
12-03 |
Housing instability is as strong a predictor of poor health outcomes as level of danger in an abusive relationship
Lifestyle |
12-03 |
Socialization of Physical and Social Aggression in Early Adolescents' Peer Groups: High-status Peers, Individual Status, and Gender
Lifestyle |
12-03 |
Does your mother know? Staying out late and risky behaviours among 10-15 year olds (page 9 pdf)
Lifestyle |
12-01 |
Life Satisfaction Among Children in Different Family Structures
Lifestyle |
12-01 |
Electronic Play, Study, Communication, and Adolescent Achievement
Lifestyle |
12-01 |
Correlates of Handgun Carrying Among Adolescents in the US
Lifestyle |
12-01 |
'All Gas and No Brakes!'' : Helpful Metaphor or Harmful Stereotype? (pdf)
Lifestyle |
12-01 |
Impulsivity, Self-Regulation, and Pathological Video Gaming Among Youth
Lifestyle |
12-01 |
How Girls Create Meaningful Places of Their Own Through Movement
Lifestyle |
12-01 |
Survey of young people's use of technology
Lifestyle |
12-01 |
Web addicts have brain changes, research suggests
Lifestyle |
11-11 |
Social rejection by peers: a risk factor for psychological distress
Lifestyle |
11-11 |
"Why anything can be addictive" Dr Mark Griffiths
Lifestyle |
11-11 |
The brain structure of those who played video games more than nine hours a week
Lifestyle |
11-10 |
Twitter and mood swings (pdf)
Lifestyle |
11-10 |
Video games and game transfer phenomena
Lifestyle |
11-10 |
Beliefs about parental authority, parenting styles, and parent-adolescent conflict among Iranian mothers of middle adolescents
Lifestyle |
11-10 |
Effects of early relationships on children’s perceived control: A longitudinal study
Lifestyle |
11-10 |
Parental mediation of teenagers’ video game playing: Antecedents and consequences
Lifestyle |
11-10 |
Adolescents’ Susceptibility to Peer Pressure: Relations to Parent–Adolescent Relationship and Adolescents’ Emotional Autonomy From Parents
Lifestyle |
11-08 |
"I'm on it 24/7 at the moment": A qualitative examination of multi-screen viewing behaviours among UK 10-11 year olds (pdf)
Lifestyle |
11-08 |
Young people ‘as risk’ or young people ‘at risk’: Comparing discourses of anti-social behaviour in England and Victoria
Lifestyle |
11-08 |
Deviant Youth Groups in 30 Countries
Lifestyle |
11-08 |
Setting the Baseline: The National Literacy Trust’s first annual survey into reading (pdf)
Lifestyle |
11-08 |
Social networking sites and contact risks among Flemish youth
Lifestyle |
11-07 |
Do physical and relational aggression explain adolescents' friendship selection? The competing roles of network characteristics, gender, and social status
Lifestyle |
11-06 |
Video game playing increases food intake in adolescents
Lifestyle |
11-06 |
The Nature of Giving Time to Your Child’s School
Lifestyle |
11-06 |
Games consules: Joint pain and game and mobile use
Lifestyle |
11-06 |
Children’s Social Capital in the Segregated Context of Amsterdam
Lifestyle |
11-06 |
The Making of an Outsider: Growing Up in Poverty in Northern Ireland
Lifestyle |
11-05 |
Mothers’ Knowledge of Early Adolescents’ Activities Following the Middle School Transition and Pubertal Maturation
Lifestyle |
11-05 |
“We don’t need no education”: Video game preferences, video game motivations, and aggressiveness among adolescent boys of different educational ability levels
Lifestyle |
11-05 |
One in five children frightened by bullies
Lifestyle |
11-04 |
The importance of pleasure reading in the lives of young Canadian teenagers: Self-identification, self-construction and self-awareness
Lifestyle |
11-04 |
The influence of ICT on the activity patterns of children with physical disabilities outside school
Lifestyle |
11-04 |
Meaning in life: is it a protective factor for adolescents' psychological health?
Lifestyle |
11-03 |
Mothers' knowledge of what distresses and what comforts their children predicts children's coping, empathy, and prosocial behavior
Lifestyle |
11-03 |
Girls: Associations between co-playing video games and adolescent behavioral and family outcomes
Lifestyle |
11-01 |
“The only 13-year-old on planet earth without a cell phone”: Meanings of cell phones in early adolescents’ everyday lives
Lifestyle |
11-01 |
Tongue piercing: The effect of material on microbiological findings
Lifestyle |
11-01 |
“It's Murder Out Today”: U.S. Middle school girls speak out about girl fighting
Lifestyle |
11-01 |
Adolescents girls’ understandings and experiences of social support within their friendship group.
Lifestyle |
11-01 |
Violent games not to blame for youth aggression
Lifestyle |
11-01 |
“Guys, she’s humongous!”: Gender and weight-based teasing in adolescence
Lifestyle |
11-01 |
The experiences of being a teenage father: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Lifestyle |
11-01 |
To capture a complete picture of young people’s sedentary time, studies should endeavour to measure both screen time and non-screen sedentary time (pdf)
Lifestyle |
11-01 |
Intergenerational aspects of psychological control and irrational beliefs between parents and adolescents
Lifestyle |
11-01 |
Peer relationships and suicide ideation and attempts among Chinese adolescents
Lifestyle |
10-12 |
Age ratings on video games: Are they effective? (pdf)
Lifestyle |
10-12 |
Explaining the development of adolescent violent delinquency in Germany
Lifestyle |
10-12 |
Social activities, self-efficacy, game attitudes, and game addiction among South Korean students
Lifestyle |
10-12 |
CEOP sees a rise in children reporting problems on net
Lifestyle |
10-12 |
Aspiring, consuming, becoming: Youth identity in a culture of consumption
Lifestyle |
10-12 |
Towards a digital adolescent society? The social structure of the Icelandic adolescent blogospher
Lifestyle |
10-11 |
Are extreme levels of texting 'unhealthy'?
Lifestyle |
10-11 |
Clustering of multiple lifestyle behaviours and its relationship with weight status and cardiorespiratory fitness in a sample of Flemish 11- to 12-year-olds
Lifestyle |
10-11 |
Fatigue status in relation to lifestyle in healthy Japanese adolescents
Lifestyle |
10-11 |
The role of energy balance-related behaviours and the prevention of weight gain
Lifestyle |
10-11 |
Determinants of the prevalence and incidence of overweight in German children and adolescents
Lifestyle |
10-10 |
Family poverty over the early life course and recurrent adolescent and young adult anxiety and depression
Lifestyle |
10-10 |
Sibling supervision and young children's risk of injury: a comparison of mothers' and older siblings' reactions to risk taking by a younger child in the family
Lifestyle |
10-09 |
Changing differences by educational attainment in fathers’ domestic labour and child care |
Lifestyle |
10-09 |
Computer game associating self-concept to images of acceptance can reduce adolescents' aggressiveness in response to social rejection |
Lifestyle |
10-09 |
Could dragging a teenager out of bed be detrimental to their health? |
Lifestyle |
10-07 |
How do parents make adolescents feel loved? Perspectives on supportive parenting from adolescents in 12 cultures |
Lifestyle |
10-07 |
Filling the parenting gap? Grandparent involvement with U.K. adolescents |
Lifestyle |
10-07 |
Portrayals of male and female scientists in television programs popular among middle school age children |
Lifestyle |
10-06 |
Correlates of video games playing among adolescents in an Islamic country |
Lifestyle |
10-06 |
The shifting balance of adolescent time use |
Lifestyle |
10-06 |
Trends in technological advance: Implications for sedentary behaviour and obesity in screenagers |
Lifestyle |
10-05 |
Data from 1993 onward show an upward trend of 12-15 yr. olds saving money with 12-13 yr. old males saving the most |
Lifestyle |
10-05 |
Launch of advice service for young people in Wales |
Lifestyle |
10-03 |
Children and their pets: Exploring the relationships between pet ownership, pet attitudes, attachment to pets and empathy |
Lifestyle |
10-03 |
Adolescent screen time and attachment to parents and peers |
Lifestyle |
10-03 |
The attitudes towards and behavior of Greek pupils to nutrition, smoking, stress and physical activity (pdf)
Lifestyle |
10-02 |
The Thinkyouknow 11-16 website |
Lifestyle |
10-02 |
Can changes in parenting explain the rise in adolescent problem behaviour? |
Lifestyle |
10-01 |
Youths' caretaking of their adolescent sisters' children |
Lifestyle |
10-01 |
Early initiation of alcohol drinking, cigarette smoking, and sexual intercourse linked to suicidal ideation and attempts: findings from the 2006 Korean Youth Risk Behavior Survey |
Lifestyle |
10-01 |
Early adolescent romantic partner status, peer standing, and problem behaviors |
Lifestyle |
10-01 |
Adolescents with two nonresident biological parents: Living arrangements, parental involvement, and well-being |
Lifestyle |
10-01 |
Injury incidence among Chinese school children |
Lifestyle |
09-12 |
Youth Club Activities - a small group activity to explore attitudes to risk-taking and promote discussion |
Lifestyle |
09-12 |
The Guides survey |
Lifestyle |
09-12 |
Half of secondary school girls considering cosmetic surgery, Guides study finds |
Lifestyle |
09-11 |
Children and their pets: Exploring the relationships between pet ownership, attitudes, attachment and empathy. |
Lifestyle |
09-11 |
Television viewing, computer use, and BMI among U.S. children and adolescents |
Lifestyle |
09-10 |
How do children develop their aesthetic sensibility? |
Lifestyle |
09-10 |
Influence of television advertising on adolescents in China |
Lifestyle |
09-09 |
The spiritual revolution and suicidal ideation: an empirical enquiry among 13- to 15-year-old adolescents in England and Wales |
Lifestyle |
09-09 |
32,000 young people and their health-related behaviour |
Lifestyle |
09-08 |
Women are more likely than men to follow the parenting practices of their mothers |
Lifestyle |
09-08 |
Televisions in the bedrooms of racial/ethnic minority children: How did they get there and how do we get them out? |
Lifestyle |
09-07 |
TeenLifeCheck goes nationwide |
Lifestyle |
09-06 |
Half (51%) of juvenile domestic assault offenders in the U.S. victimised a parent |
Lifestyle |
09-06 |
Research into adolescents' out-of-school activities |
Lifestyle |
09-06 |
Latest news about computer viruses |
Lifestyle |
09-06 |
Caffeine-fueled teenagers are texting, Web-surfing and gaming for hours into the night, which is affecting their alertness and ability to function during the day |
Lifestyle |
09-06 |
Family-Based program helps youth avoid risky behavior |
Lifestyle |
09-02 |
Children who spend more than two hours a day in front of the television in early childhood are twice as likely to develop asthma as those out playing,' |
Lifestyle |
09-02 |
Student Paramedics tackle knife and drugs dangers in school |
Lifestyle |
09-02 |
Are social networking sites really infantilising our teenagers? |
Lifestyle |
09-01 |
A690 and the mobile teen village |
Lifestyle |
08-12 |
The changing nature of families |
Lifestyle |
08-12 |
A new scheme to help young people spearhead and deliver ideas for positive activities |
Lifestyle |
08-11 |
Why parents are born and not made - based on the study of the burying beetle |
Lifestyle |
08-11 |
The more friends we have, the happier we are |
Lifestyle |
08-10 |
England to 'Lead the World' in compouter access for young people |
Lifestyle |
08-10 |
World's largest household longitudinal study launches |
Lifestyle |
08-09 |
Parental control directly influences whether a child will develop a harmonious or obsessive passion for their favorite hobby. |
Lifestyle |
08-09 |
Study finds link between a mother's stress and her child becoming overweight |
Lifestyle |
08-07 |
Orange RockCorps, a US scheme launched in the UK this month which seeks to reward community spirit |
Lifestyle |
08-07 |
Carrying a knife. It's not a game - The Met's new anti-knife campaign |
Lifestyle |
08-07 |
Young people in Sunderland do not have the time to volunteer according to a small survey |
Lifestyle |
08-06 |
Young people's health related behaviour - example reports from East Sussex |
Lifestyle |
08-05 |
US health research - The feasibility of using cell phones equipped with global positioning systems to track where 14- to 16-year-old girls spend their time |
Lifestyle |
08-04 |
Canadian teenagers spend average 30 hours TV and computer use per week |
Lifestyle |
08-04 |
'Safer children in a digital world' : The report of the Byron Review |
Lifestyle |
08-03 |
Viewing professional wrestling on television and engaging in violent and other health risk behaviors. |
Lifestyle |
08-03 |
RNID has asked students from British universities to design earplugs for young people who love music, following the charity's own research finding that 90 per cent of young people have experienced the first signs of hearing damage after a night out. |
Lifestyle |
08-02 |
Irish teenagers study: Diet, Lifestyle, Physical Activity and body weight |
Lifestyle |
08-01 |
Children in non-fiction television programmes - an independent report |
Lifestyle |
08-01 |
Social norms and SHEU surveys |
Lifestyle |
07-12 |
No need to panic over children's risky behaviour |
Lifestyle |
07-12 |
Young People into 2007 (wire bound edition now only |
Lifestyle |
07-11 |
Brand Week |
Lifestyle |
07-11 |
Young People into 2007 |
Lifestyle |
07-11 |
http://www.thedisneyblog.com/tdb/2007/07/disney-readies-.html |
Lifestyle |
07-09 |
'Going for walks' is a popular activity for 10-15 year old females (up to 38% of 14-15 year old females) as reported in 'Young People into 2007' - a unique contemporary archive of information from 68,495 youngsters. |
Lifestyle |
07-09 |
Most boys and many girls play violent video games Children report playing in groups and that games help them manage emotions. A new American study dispels some myths and uncovers some surprises about young teens and violent video and computer games. |
Lifestyle |
07-08 |
Young people turn to the virtual world for real life experiences: |
Lifestyle |
07-08 |
Young People into 2007 - nearly 70,000 young people tell us about their health related behaviour. |
Lifestyle |
07-07 |
Groups of young people in Hull, Brighton, Middlesbrough and Manchester, have been trained to be young people's champions. |
Lifestyle |
07-07 |
Young People into 2007 - nearly 70,000 young people tell us about their health related behaviour |
Lifestyle |
07-07 |
The Peace Foundation Network Schools Programmes |
Lifestyle |
07-07 |
http://www.scouts.org.uk |
Lifestyle |
07-07 |
Scouting can still inspire millions around the world |
Lifestyle |
07-07 |
School bus services - East Riding of Yorkshire Council saves money by using Ordnance Survey |
Lifestyle |
07-06 |
Ofsted commissioned the Schools Health Education Unit to provide research evidence from its behavioural surveys for a new report: 'Time for Change? Personal, social and health education |
Lifestyle |
07-03 |
Parents' genes, not parents' arguing, may cause children's conduct problems |
Lifestyle |
07-03 |
Young Chinese cyclists told to turn off phones and MP3 players |
Lifestyle |
07-02 |
A lifestyle intervention programme in the US increased bone mineral density over two years in a group of lean 14 to 16 year-old girls who were not building up their bones as much as they should at their age. |
Lifestyle |
07-02 |
Changing trends in sex specific prevalence rates for childhood asthma, eczema, and hay fever |
Lifestyle |
07-02 |
Why teenagers do stupid things: They think more than adults do about risks and benefits, but then opt for the benefits. |
Lifestyle |