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Research Links : about 11-16 year old school pupils

21-06 Museum and Arts-Space Programming Intended to Improve Health: Interim Survey Results
21-06 Intersectional Differences in Protective School Assets by Sexuality, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status
21-06 Implementing evidence-based strategies to improve student wellbeing
21-06 Trends in the prevalence of twenty health indicators among adolescents in United Arab Emirates: cross-sectional national school surveys from 2005, 2010 and 2016
21-06 The correlation between children’s own health control and their health perceptions and behaviours, and the associated factors
21-06 Adversity in childhood is linked to mental and physical health throughout life
21-06 Adolescent lifestyle and its influence on oral health
21-06 Theories in health behavior for children
21-06 Tracking Adolescent Health Behaviors and Outcomes: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System
21-06 Effects of a school-based health intervention and cross-sectional associations of schoolchildren’s academic performance, selective attention and health-related quality of life in Port Elizabeth, South Africa
21-06 Development and Validation of a Self-control Competency Scale for Late-school-aged Children
21-05 Preventing Behavioral-Risks Incidence among School Children: The Role of School-Based Health Promotion Program
21-05 Family mealtime against adolescents’ drinking, drug use, and other risk behaviours. Then and now.
21-04 Knowledge, attitude, and behaviours on diet, physical activity, and tobacco use among school students: A cross-sectional study in two Indian states
21-04 Exploring Health Behaviors in Ugandan Adolescents Living in Rural Fishing Communities
21-03 Selected school solutions in the field of a healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents
21-03 Adolescents’ perspectives on environmental and individual factors influencing their health behaviour
21-02 The shadow of context: Neighborhood and school socioeconomic disadvantage, perceived social integration, and the mental and behavioral health of adolescents
21-01 Using Latent Class Analysis to Explore Complex Associations Between Socioeconomic Status and Adolescent Health and Well-Being
21-01 Teachers’ perspectives on the barriers to healthy lifestyle behaviors among adolescent girls of disadvantaged backgrounds in Ireland: A qualitative study
21-01 Unmet health need and perceived barriers to health care among adolescents living in a rural area
20-03 Hip Hop as an Agent for Health and Wellbeing in Schools
20-03 Teaching Youth to Resist Abuse: Evaluation of a Strengths-Based Child Maltreatment Curriculum for High School Students
20-03 Effectiveness of a school-based intervention on knowledge, attitude and practice on healthy lifestyle and body composition in Malaysian adolescents
19-01 Little video-gaming in adolescents can be protective, but too much is associated with increased substance use
19-01 Doxing: What Adolescents Look for and Their Intentions
19-01 Risk and protective factors at school: Reducing bullies and promoting positive bystanders' behaviors in adolescence
19-01 Promoting resilience in adolescents: A new social identity benefits those who need it most
19-01 The computational basis of following advice in adolescents.
18-11 Which Game Narratives Do Adolescents of Different Gameplay and Sociodemographic Backgrounds Prefer?
18-11 Perspectives on Smartphone Ownership and Use by Early Adolescents
18-11 The Interplay Between Maladaptive Personality Traits and Mindfulness Deficits Among Adolescent Regular Gamblers
18-10 Factors associated with social casino gaming among adolescents across game types
18-06 Prevalence of excessive screen time and TV viewing among Brazilian adolescents
18-06 Can organized leisure-time activities buffer the negative outcomes of unstructured activities for adolescents’ health?
18-05 Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations of screen time and physical activity with school performance at different types of secondary school
18-04 The Priming Effect of Violent Game Play on Aggression Among Adolescents
18-04 Face-to-face Contacts, Facebook Connections and Academic Support
18-03 Not Just Social Sensitivity: Adolescent neural suppression of social feedback during risk taking
18-03 Adolescents’ Perspectives on a Mobile App for Relationships: Cross-Sectional Survey
18-03 A latent growth curve model to estimate electronic screen use patterns amongst adolescents aged 10 to 17 years

Sex differences in the neural underpinnings of social and monetary incentive processing during adolescence


Smartphone use and smartphone addiction in middle school students in Korea: Prevalence, social networking service, and game use


Identifying beliefs behind boys’ use of mobile phones to monitor girlfriends and girls’ acceptance: a reasoned-action approach


For Video Games, Bad News Is Good News: News Reporting of Violent Video Game Studies


Physical Fighting and Associated Factors among Adolescents Aged 13-15 Years in Six Western Pacific Countries.


Episodic future thinking reduces temporal discounting in healthy adolescents


Tween Television and Peers: Reinforcing Social Agents in Early Adolescents' Body Surveillance and Self-Objectification.


Proneness to Boredom and Risk Behaviors During Adolescents’ Free Time


It’s Much More Than Money! Relations Between Adolescents’ Financial Entitlement and Behavioral Outcomes


Communication in single- and two-parent families and their influence on Portuguese and Spanish adolescents’ life satisfaction


Understanding Students' Transition to High School: Demographic Variation and the Role of Supportive Relationships.


Monitoring screen use: a qualitative exploration of family strategies in Swiss homes.


Real and virtual worlds alike: Adolescents' psychopathology is reflected in their videogame virtual behaviors


Associations between Screen-Based Activity, Spiritual Well-Being, and Life Satisfaction among Adolescents


Early Adolescents' Peer Experiences with Ethnic Diversity in Middle School: Implications for Academic Outcomes


Adolescent cybervictimization – Who they turn to and their perceived school climate


Keeping secrets from friends: Exploring the effects of friendship quality, loneliness and self-esteem on secrecy


Child and Adolescent Use of Mobile Phones: An Unparalleled Complex Developmental Phenomenon


A Six-Year Longitudinal Study of Texting Trajectories During Adolescence


Children’s and Adolescents’ Expectations about Challenging Unfair Group Norms


Daily School Context of Adolescents' Single Best Friendship and Adjustment


Power of the image report : the role and influence of images and videos in young people's digital lives


Gaming is related to enhanced working memory performance and task-related cortical activity


Grit as a Predictor of Adolescents’ Mobile Phone Addiction


450,000 children gamble every week


Quality of life among working and non-working adolescents


Do Your School Mates Influence How Long You Game? Evidence from the U.S.


Girls less confident as they grow older


‘Girls Don’t Become Craftsmen’: Determinants and Experiences of Child Labour in Gemstone Polishing in Jaipur


Attitudes toward selfie taking in school-going adolescents


What motives are important for participation in leisure-time activities at Swedish youth centres?


The Effect of Home-based Daily Journal Writing in Korean Adolescents with Smartphone Addiction


Adolescents and social support situations


Do video games make children violent? Nobody knows – and this is why


Can students last a week on a digital detox?


Decision-Making, Cognitive Distortions and Alcohol Use in Adolescent Problem and Non-problem Gamblers: An Experimental Study.


Early Adolescent Friendship Selection Based on Externalizing Behavior: the Moderating Role of Pubertal Developmen


International trends in adolescent screen-time behaviours from 2002-2010


Prospective Investigation of Video Game Use in Children and Subsequent Conduct Disorder and Depression Using Data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children


Friendship, bitching, and the making of ethical selves: what it means to be a good friend among girls in a London school

15-12 Unlike adults, children and adolescents show predominantly increased neural activation to social exclusion by members of the opposite gender
15-12 Parenting in the digital age: urban black youth's perceptions about technology-based communication with parents
15-12 Multitasking during social interactions in adolescence and early adulthood
15-12 Developmental Change in Social Responsibility During Adolescence
15-11 Digital Dangers: the impact of technology on the sexual abuse and exploitation of children and young people
15-10 Is teenage risk-taking vital for our species?
15-09 Worst off youngsters have bleak view of their future
15-09 Using mobile technology to motivate adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus
15-09 Student characteristics and behaviors at age 12 predict occupational success 40 years later over and above childhood IQ and parental socioeconomic status.
15-09 Video games and …
15-09 Peer status beyond adolescence: Types and behavioral associations
15-09 Buffering effect of positive parent–child relationships on adolescent risk taking
15-08 From junior to senior Pinocchio : lying peaks in adolescence
15-08 The trouble with teenagers: it stems from what they learn about friendship in school
15-08 How Do My Friends Matter? Examining Latino Adolescents’ Friendships, School Belonging, and Academic Achievement
15-08 Income gradients within child and adolescent antisocial behaviours
15-08 Does Helping Keep Teens Protected? Longitudinal Bidirectional Relations Between Prosocial Behavior and Problem Behavior
15-08 The Good Childhood Report 2015
15-08 Violent Video Games and Children’s Aggressive Behaviors : An Italian Study
15-07 Biases against girls and women as leaders : Harvard Graduate School of Education Making Caring Common project
15-07 Most teenage friendships doomed to fail: but whose fault is that?
15-07 Video gaming in adolescence: factors associated with leisure time use
15-07 Everything You Know About Boys and Video Games Is Wrong
15-06 70% of parents agree that life is tougher for teenagers now than it was for them.

Risky behavior among Black Caribbean and Black African adolescents in England: How do they compare?

15-06 Children’s Pocket Money falls for the second year in a row
15-06 The role of technology in peer harassment: does it amplify harm for youth?

Digital technologies, children and young people's relationships and self-care

15-04 51% of young people say they were bullied because of attitudes towards how they look.
15-04 The role of materialism on social, emotional and behavioural difficulties for British adolescents
15-04 70% of children living with both birth parents
15-04 Friendship in a Digital Age
15-04 Modern Screen-Use Behaviors: The Effects of Single- and Multi-Screen Use on Energy Intake
15-04 Sexting & photo sharing: How did we get here? What can we do?
15-04 Being in the Know: Early Adolescents’ Knowledge of Who Bullies Whom
15-04 Your guide to the social networks your kids use
15-04 “She knows what I like”: Student-generated best-practice statements for encouraging recreational book reading in adolescents
15-03 How Do Young Poles Perceive Their Adulthood?
15-03 Privacy Perception of Adolescents in a Digital World
15-03 Self-perceived popularity in early adolescence : Accuracy, associations with loneliness, and gender differences
15-03 Mothers know best: Redirecting adolescent reward sensitivity towards safe behavior during risk taking … and … research
15-02 What difference does ‘the digital’ make to children’s experiences of risk?
15-02 Why Adolescents Fight: A Qualitative Study of Youth Perspectives on Fighting and Its Prevention
15-02 Does It Matter What Mama Says: Evaluating the Role of Parental Mediation in European Adolescents’ Excessive Internet Use
15-02 Impact of violent video games on the social behaviors of adolescents: The mediating role of emotional competence
15-01 Children’s visits to natural environments: new evidence
15-01 The Source and Impact of Appearance Teasing: An Examination by Sex and Weight Status Among Early Adolescents From the Czech Republic
15-01 Facebook as a Collaborative and Communication Tool: A Study of Secondary School Students in Malaysia
15-01 Facebook Usage and its Association with Psychological Well-being among Malaysian Adolescents
14-12 Disruption in Parental Co-habitation and its Effects on Short-Term, Medium-Term, and Long-Term Academic Outcomes of Adolescents
14-12 Teen responses when a younger school-age sibling has been bullied
14-12 Young people feel their exam results are suffering as a direct result of parental break-up … and … Survey
14-11 Thousands fewer pupils are being bullied, landmark study reveals
14-10 The taboo of menstruating in India
14-10 The Wireless Report 2014 : ways in which young people engage with and abusing smartphone technology
14-10 Being strategic and taking control: Bedrooms, social network sites and the narratives of growing up
14-10 The Wireless Report 2014: ways in which young people engage with and abuse smartphone technology
14-10 The (co-)occurrence of problematic video gaming, substance use, and psychosocial problems in adolescents.
14-10 Videogamers still hear sounds after playing
14-10 Research into understanding of the cultural meaning of television for children and young people
14-10 Association between mobile phone use and inattention in 7102 Chinese adolescents
14-10 Attention regulates anger and fear to predict changes in adolescent risk-taking behaviors
14-09 A child’s poor decision-making skills can predict later behavior problems
14-08 Video Games and Teens’ Behavior
14-08 Concerns about teen dating apps
14-08 Electronic Gaming and Psychosocial Adjustment
14-08 Young People and Privacy on Social Network Sites
14-07 Teens impulsively react rather than retreat from threat
14-07 Watch out: children more prone to looking but not seeing
14-07 Pre-adolescent concern for the natural environment according to gender
14-07 Family predictors of continuity and change in social and physical aggression from ages 9 to 18
14-07 TV Watching and Computer Use in U.S. Youth Aged 12–15, 2012
14-07 Cyber Aggression Within Adolescents’ Romantic Relationships: Linkages to Parental and Partner Attachment
14-07 ‘It has not ruined my life; it has made my life better’: a qualitative investigation of the experiences and future aspirations of young mothers from the North West of England
14-07 Computer Game Use and Television Viewing Increased Risk for Overweight among Low Activity Girls
14-07 Teen sexting prosecution prompts outrage
14-07 What Ever Happened to the “Cool” Kids? Long-Term Sequelae of Early Adolescent Pseudomature Behavior
14-07 Who Is Generation Next?
14-06 Employment Among Schoolchildren and Its Associations With Adult Substance Use, Psychological Well-being, and Academic Achievement
14-04 How adolescents perceive their communities: a qualitative study that explores the relationship between health and the physical environment.
14-04 The relationship between mothers’ thin-ideal and children’s drive for thinness: A survey of Japanese early adolescents and their mothers
14-04 Adolescent girls’ views on cosmetic surgery: A focus group study
14-04 Normative Misperceptions of Peer Seatbelt Use among High School Students and Their Relationship to Personal Seatbelt Use
14-04 Will they like me? Adolescents’ emotional responses to peer evaluation
14-04 Age and gender differences in morningness–eveningness in Turkish adolescents and young adults
14-04 Girls and gangs
14-01 Cool Girls, Inc. and Self-Concept: The Role of Social Capital
14-01 The Influence of Religiosity on Violent Behavior of Adolescents: A Comparison of Christian and Muslim Religiosity
14-01 Development of materialistic values among children and adolescents
13-11 “What we say we need”: A report on the important items, opportunities and aspirations for children and young people (pdf)
13-11 “It’s like I trust it so much that I don’t really check where it is I’m going before I leave”: Informational uses of smartphones among Danish youth
13-11 Do children participate in the activities they prefer? A comparison of children and youth with and without physical disabilities
13-11 Factors associated with bicycle-helmet use among 8–16 years aged Turkish children
13-09 Cybervictimization and body esteem: Experiences of Swedish children and adolescents
13-06 Adolescents' Daily Assistance to the Family in Response to Maternal Need
13-06 Boys' Friendships During Adolescence: Intimacy, Desire, and Loss
13-06 Effects of Self-Control, Social Control, and Social Learning on Sexting Behavior Among South Korean Youths
Mental Health, Lifestyle
20-02 Adolescent mental health in the digital age: facts, fears, and future directions
19-04 Screens, Teens, and Psychological Well-Being: Evidence From Three Time-Use-Diary Studies ... and ... Teens 'not damaged by screen time'
18-10 Use of green spaces, self-satisfaction and social contacts in adolescents: A population-based CASPIAN-V study
Lifestyle, Gambling, Other
20-01 Exposure to gambling advertising and adolescent gambling behaviour. Moderating effects of perceived family support
19-11 Loot box buying among adolescent gamers: A cause for concern?
18-11 Young People and Gambling

The intergenerational transmission of at-risk/problem gambling: The moderating role of parenting practices


Prevalence of Adolescent Problem Gambling: A Systematic Review of Recent Research


The efficacy of a web-based gambling intervention program for high school students

15-03 Girls and Boys Gambling With Health and Well-Being in Finland
13-12 Adolescent gambling via social networking sites: A brief overview (pdf)
Education, Lifestyle
19-11 Behavior, Socialization, and Video Games: Researching a Technology-based Intervention
19-05 Will I be victimized at school today? How schools influence the victimization experiences of Asian American teenagers.
14-12 To build children’s character, leave self-esteem out of it
Education, Lifestyle, SRE
19-09 Preventing Teen Relationship Abuse and Sexual Assault through Bystander Training
Health, Lifestyle
18-11 Smartphone-Based Healthy Weight Management Intervention for Chinese American Adolescents: Short-Term Efficacy and Factors Associated With Decreased Weight
Mental Health 5-16+, Lifestyle

Gaming addiction is to be listed as a mental health condition for the first time


Potential impact of internet addiction and protective psychosocial factors onto depression among Hong Kong Chinese adolescents - direct, mediation and moderation effects.

Food, Lifestyle

Diet quality, overweight and daily monetary allowance of Greek adolescents


Clustering and correlates of screen-time and eating behaviours among young adolescents

Mental Health 5-16+, Health, Lifestyle
14-12 Millennium Cohort Study : findings from the age 11 survey
Exercise, Health, Lifestyle
14-10 Parenting stress: a cross-sectional analysis of associations with childhood obesity, physical activity, and TV viewing
