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- 21-10 School-based Abuse Prevention Programs for Children: A Scoping Review
- 21-10 Evaluation of a School-Based Child Physical and Sexual Abuse Prevention Program
- 21-10 Factors affecting sexual health-seeking behaviors of young people
- 21-10 Relative age for grade and adolescent risky health behavior
- 21-08 The role of school-based relationships for school well-being: How different are high- and average-ability students?
- 32-10 [RSE Archive 5-11] [RSE Latest 5-11] [Top]
Relationships & Sex Ed. | latest links about 5-11 yr. olds in date order
- 23-09 A Comparative Study of Sex Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in China and the United States
- 23-08 "What's Something You've Heard About Sex, But Are Unsure If It's True?: Assessing Middle and High School Students' Sex Education Questions
- 23-07 Sex Education in Italy: An Overview of 15 Years of Projects in Primary and Secondary Schools
- 23-05 Sexting at an Early Age: Patterns and Poor Health-Related Consequences of Pressured Sexting in Middle and High School.
- 22-04 Relationship-Centered Education in Primary School: An Ethnographic Case Study
- 22-02 School-based relationships and sexuality education programmes in primary schools: contexts, mechanisms and outcomes
- 21-11 My friends would laugh at me: embedding the dominant heterosexual script in the talk of primary school students
- 21-06 Sex Ed by Brown Med: Evaluating the Impact of Medical Student-Led Sexual Health Curriculum on Middle Schoolersâ Attitudes, Beliefs, and Knowledge
- 21-01 ’My Body, My Boundaries’: The Impact of a New Sexual Health Program on Elementary Age Children and Parents in Mississippi
- 20-06 Education for the prevention of sexual abuse in the early years
- 20-05 Being fun is no laughing matter
- 20-04 Review Study on Educational Interventions Promoting Sexual Health of Children Under 12 Years
- 20-03 Prosocial Behavior and Subjective Well-Being in School among Elementary School Students: the Mediating Roles of the Satisfaction of Relatedness Needs at School and Self-Esteem
- 19-05 Sexual health education outcomes within Canada’s elementary health education curricula
- 18-04 Disgust Toward Sex-Relevant and Sex-Irrelevant Stimuli in Pre-, Early, and Middle Adolescence
- 17-11 Sexual and reproductive health needs and risks of very young adolescent refugees and migrants from Myanmar living in Thailand
- 17-08 Educators’ understanding of young children’s typical and problematic sexual behaviour and their training in this area
- 17-07 Parents’ views on sex education in schools: How much do Democrats and Republicans agree?
- 17-04 Engaging parents with sex and relationship education: A UK primary school case study
- 16-05 “Pink is a Girl's Color”: A Case Study of Bilingual Kindergarteners' Discussions about Gender Roles
- 16-02 Proposal to end US research funding for 'Abstinence-Only' Sex Education
- 16-02 Mothers’ Attitude to Giving Sexuality Education as a Check to Sexual Abuse of Primary School Girls in South-East Nigeria
- 15-12 Too much, Too soon? Or Too little, Too late? The case for Sex and Relationships Education in Primary Schools
- 15-10 Stable same-sex friendships with higher achieving partners promote mathematical reasoning in lower achieving primary school children
- 15-10 Healthy Schools London SRE Primary Scheme of Work
- 15-10 Professor Robert Winston interview: The scientist on sex education …
- 15-10 "Let’s fight the sex education establishment"
- 15-10 " ...starting sex education at primary school could be the key to transforming the grisly experiences of freshers’ week"
- 15-07 Kissing brides and loving hot vampires: children's construction and perpetuation of heteronormativity in elementary school classrooms
- 15-05 The case for starting sex education in kindergarten
- 15-04 School-based education programmes for the prevention of child sexual abuse
- 15-03 Young children's ability to use two-dimensional and three-dimensional symbols to show placements of body touches and hidden objects
- 15-02 ‘Too many bad role models for us girls’: Girls, female pop celebrities and ‘sexualization’
- 15-01 Sexuality in school: the limits of education [Book Review]
- 14-12 The sexual exploitation of children: it couldn't happen here, could it?
- 14-12 "Sex Education" journal search : primary schools
- 14-12 Google books search : SRE
- 14-12 Curriculum design : What to include in SRE
- 14-12 fpa resources : sex education, PSHE, SRE
- 14-12 Sex Education Forum Events and Training diary
- 14-12 tes connect : sex education resources KS 1/2
- 14-11 Features of gender identity development in primary schoolchildren.
- 14-10 Experiences with sexual content: What we know from the research so far