Richard H. Ainsworth-Masiello and David T. Evans. 2019. Expectations vs Reality: In which ways might watching porn online, as male and female adolescents, contribute to poor emotional health? Education and Health 37(4)109-116. PDF
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SHEU. 2019. Recent additions to the free research resource that supports those concerned with the health and wellbeing of children and young people Education and Health 37(4)108. PDF |
Siah Poh Chua, Mei Khon NG, Karen Mei Sing Wong and Kai Shuen Pheh. 2019. Intentions to smoke and conventional cigarettes smoking among Malaysian adolescents: The mediating effect of experiencing alternative tobacco products Education and Health 37(4)102-107. PDF |
Deborah Haydock, Gay Rabie and Jean Evers. 2019. Networking and Partnership between Education, Health Education England and Academia: a viable tool for promoting young people’s health and wellbeing Education and Health 37(4)91-99. PDF |
Katja Pollak, Ruth Boat and Simon B. Cooper. 2019. Resisting temptation in schools? How to reduce self-control depletion effects Education and Health 37(3)84-88. PDF |
Marianne Jansson. 2019. Does prevention have any impact on substance use among teenagers? Education and Health 37(3)79-83. PDF |
Siphokazi Kwatubana. 2019. Key characteristics of headteachers for making a school a health-promoting one Education and Health 37(3)71-78. PDF |
Graham Yates and Helen O'Connor. 2019. Classroom wellbeing and mental health Education and Health 37(3)67-70. PDF |
Mark D. Griffiths. 2019. Loot box buying among adolescent gamers: A cause for concern? Education and Health 37(3)63-66. PDF |
Emma Dobson. 2019. Labelling the labia – a lesson in how to terrify teachers: Pedagogical obstacles to the introduction of compulsory Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). Education and Health 37(2)54-60. PDF |
Veronica Roberts, Richard Joiner, Claire Russell, Richard Bradley, Mark Bowles, Aaron Bowes and Terence Nice. 2019. Mind and Body: an early intervention group programme for adolescents with self-harm thoughts and behaviours. Education and Health 37(2)46-53. PDF |
David Regis. 2019. Goldilocks is online. Education and Health 37(2)43-45. PDF |
Rebecca Baxter. 2019. MindEd : A whole-school strategy on wellbeing - Tackling mental health stigma and promoting positive wellbeing in secondary schools. Education and Health 37(2)40-42. PDF |
Alicia C. Stapp. 2019. The relationship between pedometer step counts and intermittent recess breaks for elementary students. Education and Health 37(2)33-39. PDF |
Matthew James Dunn. 2019. Crossing the threshold: when transition becomes troublesome for A-level students. Education and Health 37(1)24-30. PDF |
Helena Conibear. 2019. The Alcohol Education Trust - ‘talk about alcohol’ programme for 11-18 year olds, parents and teachers. Education and Health 37(1)16-23. PDF |
SHEU. 2019. Recent additions to the free research resource that supports those concerned with the health and wellbeing of children and young people. Education and Health 37(1)9-10. PDF |
William Van Gordon, Supakyada Sapthiang, Edo Shonin, and Mark D. Griffiths. 2019. Mindfulness for Addressing Key Public Health Concerns in Young People: Preventative Applications and Safety Concerns. Education and Health 37(1)9-14. PDF |
Jim Podbery, Angela Balding and David Regis. 2019. Carrying on in 2019 : A follow-up report about a generation of young people and their personal safety. Education and Health 37(1)3-8. PDF |
Hyunmin Kim, Xinhua Yu, Erik Carlton, M. Paige Powell, Cyril Chang and SangNam Ahn, 2018.Preschoolers’ use of mental health services: An application of the Behavioral Model for Vulnerable Populations. Education and Health 36(4), 117-126. PDF |
Pete Nuckley and Laurence Piercy, 2018.Widening digital participation - Young people and their mental health in Islington : Can digital technologies be used in mental health services to improve access and support for young people?. Education and Health 36(4), 113-116. PDF |
Siah Poh Chua, Yeong Yiong Yi, Chen Ijin, Yeoh Yee Hui and Joanna Tan Tjin Ai, 2018.Cyberbullying and coping strategies: Their relationships to suicidal ideation among adolescents. Education and Health 36(4), 107-112. PDF |
Rachel Symons, 2018.Thriving Futures, a whole school curriculum response to addressing the social and emotional welfare needs of secondary school pupils. Education and Health 36(4), 99-105. PDF |
Whitney Katirai, Christine Williams, Matin Katirai and Shannon Fyalkowski, 2018.The relationship between depression, stress, and alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATOD) among college students from 2010-2015. Education and Health 36(4), 91-98. PDF |
SHEU. 2016. Recent additions to the research resource. Education and Health 34(4). PDF |