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Research Links : about 11-16 year old school pupils

15-02 Perceived barriers and facilitators to participation in physical activity during the school lunch break for girls aged 12–13 years
15-02 Effects of a Brief Physical Activity Program on Young Students’ Physical Fitness
15-02 A longitudinal study of the distance that young people walk to school
15-02 Physical Activity in Physical Education: Are Longer Lessons Better?
15-01 The benefits of getting England cycling
15-01 Systematic review of rugby injuries in children and adolescents under 21 years ... and more ... Prof Pollock
15-01 YST National PE, School Sport and Physical Activity Survey Report
15-01 GPS suggests low physical activity in urban Hispanic school children
15-01 Physical education in secondary schools located in low-income communities: Physical activity levels, lesson context and teacher interaction
15-01 Associations between showering behaviours following physical education, physical activity and fitness in English schoolchildren
15-01 The Contribution of Youth Sport Football to Weekend Physical Activity for Males Aged 9- to 16- Years: Variability Related to Age and Playing Position
15-01 A school-based intervention improves physical fitness in Ecuadorian adolescents
14-11 Peers, parents, and coaches, oh my! The relation of the motivational climate to boys' intention to continue in sport
14-11 The Contribution of Youth Sport Football to Weekend Physical Activity for Males Aged 9- to 16- Years: Variability Related to Age and Playing Position
14-11 The Effectiveness of Interventions to Increase Physical Activity Among Adolescent Girls: A Meta-analysis
14-11 Promoting Physical Activity in Low-Active Adolescents via Facebook
14-11 Why sitting too much is bad for your health
14-10 Making The World A Fitter Place, One Brain At A Time
14-10 Qualitative Evaluation of GoGirlGo! Insights From Staff on Using a Curriculum Within After-School Programs to Improve Physical Activity
14-10 Physical activity in high school during ‘free-time’ periods
14-10 Is Being a Boy and Feeling Fat a Barrier for Physical Activity? The Association between Body Image, Gender and Physical Activity among Adolescents
14-10 Later sunsets 'increase children's activity levels'
14-10 The construction and experience of ability in physical education
14-10 Is change in environmental supportiveness between primary and secondary school associated with a decline in children׳s physical activity levels?
14-10 Active commuting to school, cognitive performance, and academic achievement: an observational study in Dutch adolescents using accelerometers
14-10 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: a process evaluation of a female youth-driven physical activity-based life skills program
14-10 Fun, feasible and functioning: Students’ experiences of a physical activity intervention
14-10 Acute affective responses to prescribed and self-selected exercise sessions in adolescent girls: an observational study
14-10 Associations between physical activity in adolescence and health behaviours, well-being, family and social relations
14-10 Prevalence of Sport Injuries among Middle School Children and Suggestions for Their Prevention
14-10 Effect of a school-based intervention on physical activity and quality of life through serial mediation of social support and exercise motivation: the PESSOA program
14-10 Socioecological factors potentially associated with participation in physical activity and sport: A longitudinal study of adolescent girls
14-10 Adolescents’ physical activity trends over the years: a three-cohort study based on the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Portuguese survey
14-10 School day and weekend patterns of physical activity in urban 11-year-olds: A cross-cultural comparison.
14-10 Linking secondary school physical education with community sport and recreation for girls: a process evaluation.
14-10 Do Parents’ Exercise Habits Predict 13–18-Year-Old Adolescents’ Involvement in Sport?
14-10 Understanding How Organized Youth Sport May Be Harming Individual Players within the Family Unit
14-10 Data for action: the use of formative research to design a school-based intervention programme to increase physical activity in adolescents
14-09 Effects of exercise on BMI z-score in overweight and obese children and adolescents
14-09 Pupils’ and teachers’ experiences of school-based physical education
14-08 Perceived social support and parental education as determinants of adolescents’ physical activity and eating behaviour
14-07 Factors associated with low fitness in adolescents
14-07 Physical activity during physical education lessons: a qualitative investigation of Australian PE teacher perceptions
14-07 Using Pedometers for Measuring and Increasing Physical Activity in Children and Adolescents: The Next Step
14-07 Do school-based physical activity interventions increase or reduce inequalities in health?
14-07 Weekday and weekend patterns of physical activity and sedentary time among Liverpool and Madrid youth
14-07 Adolescents’ physical activity at recess and actions to promote a physically active school day in four Finnish schools
14-07 Developing Students' Emotional Well-being in Physical Education
14-07 The Relationship of Physical Fitness, Self-Beliefs, and Social Support to the Academic Performance of Middle School Boys and Girls
14-07 Quantification of Underestimation of Physical Activity During Cycling to School When Using Accelerometry
14-07 Colombian Children with Overweight and Obesity Need Additional Motivational Support at School to Perform Health-Enhancing Physical Activity
14-07 Are We Driving Our Kids to Unhealthy Habits? Results of the Active Healthy Kids Canada 2013 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
14-07 Association of a Behaviorally Based High School Health Education Curriculum With Increased Exercise
14-07 Competitive school sport: going the extra mile
14-07 Evaluating the Risks and Benefits of Participation in US High-School Football
14-07 Association between self-reported physical activity and indicators of body composition in Malaysian adolescents
14-07 How Adolescent Subjective Health and Satisfaction with Weight and Body Shape Are Related to Participation in Sports
14-07 The relationship between school physical activity policy and objectively measured physical activity of elementary school students
14-07 Relative age effects in fitness testing in a general school sample: how relative are they?
14-07 Physical activity, screen time and obesity status in a nationally representative sample of Maltese youth with international comparisons
14-07 Effectiveness of a school-community linked program on physical activity levels and health-related quality of life for adolescent girls
14-07 Improving Academic Performance with Physical Fitness
14-06 Researcher highlights the science of penalty success
14-06 Development and implementation of a smartphone application to promote physical activity and reduce screen-time in adolescent boys
14-06 50% of children in Scotland are getting to School actively
14-05 An examination of barriers to physical education for Christian and Muslim girls attending comprehensive secondary schools in the UK
14-05 Step Rate Recommendations for Moderate-Intensity Walking in Overweight/Obese and Healthy Weight Children
14-05 Dog walking: a leisurely solution to pediatric and adult obesity?
14-05 Achievement in mathematics and language is linked to regular physical activity: a population study in Chilean youth
14-04 Physical Activity in Overweight and Obese Adolescents
14-04 Competition in sports : 1000 parents' & 1000 childs' views … and results … Results
14-04 Underweight in 14 to 16 year-old girls and boys: prevalence and associations with physical activity and sedentary activities
14-04 Influence of Physical Activity on Bone Strength in Children and Adolescents
14-04 Level and determinants of physical activity among school adolescents in Poland
14-04 Barriers to Delivering Extra-Curricular School Sport and Physical Activity in Wales
14-04 Affective Response to Exercise and Preferred Exercise Intensity Among Adolescents
14-04 Trends in television time, non-gaming PC use and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity among German adolescents 2002–2010
14-04 Scheduled Physical Activity is Associated With Better Academic Performance in Chilean School-Age Children
14-04 Physical fitness and amount of asthma and asthma like symptoms from childhood to adulthood
14-04 The Association Between Adolescent Self-Reported Physical Activity and Wellness: The Missing Piece for Youth Wellness Programs
14-04 Health-Related Fitness Models in Physical Education
14-04 Cycling: health and risk factors
14-04 Proximity to Sports Facilities and Sports Participation for Adolescents in Germany (pdf)
14-04 The Evolution of a Wellness Program: A Team-based Approach to Curricular Innovation
14-04 Appearance- and competition-focused performance goals Examining their links with performance in physical education
14-04 ‘It’s too crowded’: A qualitative study of the physical environment factors that adolescent girls perceive to be important and influential on their PE experience
14-03 Physically active Chilean school kids perform better in language and mathematics
14-01 School-based physical activity and nutritional education interventions on body mass index: A meta-analysis of randomised community trials — Project PANE
14-01 Why do teens abandon bicycling? A retrospective look at attitudes and behaviors
14-01 Exploring changes in physical activity, sedentary behaviors and hypothesized mediators in the NEAT girls group randomized controlled trial
14-01 Sport participation and alcohol and illicit drug use in adolescents and young adults: A systematic review of longitudinal studies
14-01 Physical activity in adolescents with psychiatric disorders and in the general population (pdf)
14-01 The freedom to explore: examining the influence of independent mobility on weekday, weekend and after-school physical activity behaviour in children living in urban and inner-suburban neighbourhoods of varying socioeconomic status (pdf)
14-01 Sport Involvement and Educational Outcomes of High School Students: A Longitudinal Study
14-01 A National Survey of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior of Chinese City Children and Youth Using Accelerometers
14-01 Training Versus Monitoring: A Qualitative Examination of Athletic Department Practices Regarding Student-Athletes and Twitter
14-01 Relative Risk for Concussions in Young Female Soccer Players
13-12 Influences on young people's physical activity in Scotland : a socio-ecological approach
13-12 The Impact of the Balanced School Day on Student Physical Activity and Nutrition
13-12 What are the teachers' and pupils' perceptions of barriers to participation in sport in school and the impact of the 5x60 project? (pdf)
13-12 Relationship of Weight-Based Teasing and Adolescents' Psychological Well-Being and Physical Health
13-12 Is the lack of physical activity strategy for children complicit mass child neglect? (pdf)
13-12 Heading in football, long-term cognitive decline and dementia: evidence from screening retired professional footballers
13-12 Sources of Activity-Related Social Support and Adolescents’ Objectively Measured After-School and Weekend Physical Activity: Gender and Age Differences
13-12 Decline in enjoyment of physical education among culturally and linguistically diverse youth (pdf)
13-12 Physical Education Teacher Effectiveness in a Public Health Context
13-12 Influences on the expression of health within physical education curricula in secondary schools in England and Wales
13-11 Everyday geographies of girls' experiences of physical activity : gender, health and bodies (pdf)
13-11 Adolescent dieting behaviour: associations with physical activity and screen-time behaviours (pdf)
13-11 Socio-environmental influences on physical activity among young people: a qualitative study
13-11 Energy Expenditure Compared to Physical Activity Measured by Accelerometry and Self-Report in Adolescents (pdf)
13-11 The educational impacts of young people’s participation in organised sport
13-11 ‘There was something that wasn’t right because that was the only place I ever got treated like that’: Children and young people’s experiences of emotional harm in sport
13-11 Effect of Athletic Activity on Hormone Levels in High School Female Athletes (pdf)
13-11 Comparing self-reported leisure-time physical activity, subjective health, and life satisfaction among youth soccer players and adolescents in a reference sample
13-11 The Relationship Between Transformational Teaching and Adolescent Physical Activity: The Mediating Roles of Personal and Relational Efficacy Beliefs
13-11 Physical Activity Research in Hong Kong From 1987 to 2012: Evidence on Children and Adolescents
13-11 Meeting needs of Muslim girls in school sport: Case studies exploring cultural and religious diversity (pdf)
13-10 Moderate to vigorous exercise boosts teens’ academic performance ... and ... Associations between objectively measured physical activity and academic attainment in adolescents from a UK cohort
13-10 Effect of four additional physical education lessons on body composition in children aged 8-13 years (pdf)
13-10 Walking works: Making the case to encourage greater uptake of walking as a physical activity (pdf)
13-10 Children's and adolescents' sedentary behaviour in relation to socioeconomic position
13-09 Time of day - Effects on motor coordination and reactive strength in elite athletes and untrained adolescents (pdf)
13-09 Adolescent perspectives on wearing accelerometers to measure physical activity in population-based trials
13-06 Urban Youths’ Experiences and Perceptions of a Community Cycling Initiative
13-06 Adolescents’ perception of the relationship between movement skills, physical activity and sport
13-06 Moderators of Youth Exercise Intention and Behavior
13-06 What is recognised as ability in physical education? A systematic appraisal of how ability and ability differences are socially constructed within mainstream secondary school physical education
13-06 Promoting a functional physical self-concept in physical education: Evaluation of a 10-week intervention
13-06 Higher prevalence of obesity in Greek children living in rural areas despite increased levels of physical activity
13-06 Effect of a school environment intervention on adolescent adiposity and physical fitness
13-06 Adolescents' school-related self-concept mediates motor skills and psychosocial well-being
13-06 Pediatric Sports Injuries: An Age Comparison of Children Versus Adolescents
13-06 Effects of school-based interventions for direct delivery of physical activity on fitness and cardiometabolic markers in children and adolescents: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials
13-06 The youth sports club as a health-promoting setting: An integrative review of research (pdf)
13-06 Is wearing a pedometer associated with higher physical activity among adolescents?
13-06 The relationship between physical activity, physical fitness and overweight in adolescents (pdf)
13-06 Physical activity and school performance: a survey among students not qualified for upper secondary school
13-06 Is school community readiness related to physical activity before and after the Ready for Recess intervention?
13-06 Incorporating Physical Activity Into the Schools Using a 3-Tiered Approach
13-04 Can the provision of games equipment at school break time increase the physical activity levels of adolescents?
13-03 ‘Once upon a time I used to be active’. Adopting a narrative approach to understanding physical activity behaviour in adolescent girls (pdf)
13-03 Physical education and fostering relationships
13-03 A review of physical activity interventions on determinants of mental health in children and adolescents (pdf)
13-03 Planning Skills Moderate the Intention–Planning Cognitions–Behaviour Relation: A Longitudinal Study on Physical Activity in Chinese Adolescents
13-03 Self-Perception and Attitude Toward Physical Activity in Overweight/Obese Adolescents: The “Martial Fitness” Study (pdf)
13-03 Family-focused physical activity, diet and obesity interventions in African–American girls (pdf)
13-03 Girls and their bodies: approaching a more emancipatory physical education
13-03 Is there spontaneous energy expenditure compensation in response to intensive exercise in obese youth?
13-03 School sport in Sweden: what is it, and how did it come to be?
13-03 Sensation-seeking genes and physical activity in youth
13-03 Descriptive analysis of Iranian adolescents' stages of change for physical activity behavior
13-03 Physical activity in schools: A qualitative case study of eight Norwegian schools’ experiences with the implementation of a national policy
13-03 Walking behaviours among adolescent girls in Scotland: a pilot study
13-03 Student-Centered Physical Education on a Shoestring Budget
13-03 A picture of health in schools
13-03 Peer-assisted learning in school physical education, sport and physical activity programmes: a systematic review
13-03 Not enough physical in physical education - Ofsted report
13-03 NHS Sport and Health - a winning team
12-12 School physical education: The effectiveness of health-related interventions and recommendations for health-promotion practice
12-12 Hormonal response during physical exercise of different intensities in adolescents with type 1 diabetes and healthy controls
12-12 The association between high recreational physical activity and physical activity as a part of daily living in adolescents and availability of local indoor sports facilities and sports clubs
12-12 Effects of a group-based exercise and self-regulatory intervention on obese adolescents’ physical activity, social cognitions, body composition and strength
12-12 Physical Activity and Physical Self-Concept in Adolescence: A Comparison of Girls at the Extremes of the Biological Maturation Continuum
12-12 Linking Physical Education With Community Sport and Recreation: A Program for Adolescent Girls
12-12 Screen time is more strongly associated than physical activity with overweight and obesity in 9- to 16-year-old Australians (pdf)
12-11 Possible Mechanisms Explaining the Association Between Physical Activity and Mental Health: Dutch Children Survey (pdf)
12-10 20 years of children and young people's fitness
12-10 Relationships Between Negative Affect and Academic Achievement Among Secondary School Students: The Mediating Effects of Habituated Exercise
12-10 Associations Between Active Commuting to School and Objectively Measured Physical Activity
12-10 Training to teach physical education in an opposite-sex secondary school: A qualitative analysis of trainee teachers’ experiences
12-10 Screen Time and Physical Activity in Youth: Thief of Time or Lifestyle Choice?
12-10 The association between high recreational physical activity and physical activity as a part of daily living in adolescents and availability of local indoor sports facilities and sports clubs
12-10 Effectiveness of intervention on physical activity of children (pdf)
12-10 Why do some people, particularly in harder to reach groups, not take part in sport and physical activity?
12-10 i9 and the Transformation of Youth Sport
12-08 Do peers matter? A review of peer and/or friends’ influence on physical activity among American adolescents
12-08 Temporal relationships between screen-time and physical activity with cardiorespiratory fitness in English Schoolchildren: A 2-year longitudinal study
12-08 Physical Activity Interventions for Adolescents: An Ecological Perspective
12-08 Technical and Tactical Analysis of Youth Taekwondo Performance
12-08 Raise your game - using sport to raise achievement in English, Mathematics and Science
12-08 Physical Activity and Energy Expenditure in Adolescent Male Sport Participants and Non-Participants Aged 13 to 16 Years
12-08 Cycling to School Is Associated With Lower BMI and Lower Odds of Being Overweight or Obese in a Large Population-Based Study of Danish Adolescents
12-08 Using physical education and sport to raise school standards
12-08 Dietary Supplement Use by Children and Adolescents in the United States to Enhance Sport Performance
12-06 ‘Am I able? Is it worth it?’ Adolescent girls’ motivational predispositions to school physical education: Associations with health-enhancing physical activity
12-06 Twice-weekly, in-school jumping improves lean mass, particularly in adolescent boys
12-06 Fatherhood and Youth Sports : A Balancing Act Between Care and Expectations
12-06 Family leadership styles and adolescent dietary and physical activity behaviors (pdf)
Drugs, Mental Health 5-16+, Exercise
15-02 Tobacco Use Experimentation, Physical Activity, and Risk of Depression Among Multiethnic Urban Preadolescents
Education, Exercise
15-01 Physical Education and Academic Performance in Urban African American Girls
14-12 The Effects of Changes in Physical Fitness on Academic Performance Among New York City Youth
14-12 The history of physical activity and academic performance research
14-12 High School Student Athletes and Nonathletes' Disciplinary Referrals and Grade Point Averages
14-12 The Academic Achievement of Elite Athletes at Australian Schools
14-11 More Physical Activity Improved School Performance… and … The Impact of a Physical Activity Intervention Program on Academic Achievement in a Swedish Elementary School Setting
14-09 The Association Between Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Academic Achievement in Dutch Adolescents: Findings From the GOALS Study.
13-12 Physical Activity and academic achievement: Literature search from SHEU
Mental Health 5-16+, Exercise
14-10 Exercise and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents
Exercise, Health, Lifestyle
14-10 Parenting stress: a cross-sectional analysis of associations with childhood obesity, physical activity, and TV viewing
