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22-02 Do high school friends still matter for health behavior in adulthood? Variations in smoking trajectories by adolescent peer smoking networks, race/ethnicity, and gender
20-05 Community health perceptions of smoking, physical activity and eating habits: A cross-sectional, descriptive study

Relationships between alcohol consumption, smoking status and food habits in Greek adolescents: Vascular implications for the future

14-11 An Evaluation of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Cigarette Smoking Among Youth
13-07 Do smoking and fruit and vegetable intake mediate the association between socio-economic status and plasma carotenoids
10-04 Eating habits, physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption in adolescents attending school in the province of Buenos Aires
09-10 The health and nutrition of young indigenous women in north Queensland - intergenerational implications of poor food quality, obesity, diabetes, tobacco smoking and alcohol use.

Drugs Archive | 5-11

23-11 Contextual effects of community capacity as a predictor for adolescent alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use: A multi-level analysis
23-09 The association of adolescents' smoking with the physical activity levels of their friends
23-09 The associations of parental smoking, quitting and habitus with teenager e-cigarette, smoking, alcohol and other drug use in GUI Cohort ’98
23-08 Multi-Level Protective Factors of Adolescent Smoking and Drinking
23-07 Tobacco prevention interventions - developing life skills through playful activities among children and preteens: A systematic review
23-05 Knowledge and Attitudes toward Electronic Cigarette Smoking: A Survey of School Male Adolescents in Jordan
23-04 Internet-Based Flipbook as A Health Education Medium on The Dangers of Smoking for Teenagers
23-03 Effectiveness of School-Based Smoking Cessation Programs
23-03 Does tobacco use among adolescents come out of style in Czechia and Slovakia? Findings from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey between 2002 and 2016
23-03 The relationship between secondhand smoking exposure and mental health among never-smoking adolescents in school: Data from the Global School-based Student Health Survey
23-03 Meta-Analysis: Effect of School-Based Health Promotion Strategy on Smoking Habits in Adolescents
23-02 Exploring the mechanistic pathways of how social network influences social norms in adolescent smoking prevention interventions
23-01 The role of social media influencers as trusted messengers in tobacco control mass media campaigns
22-12 Impact of Survey Setting on Current Tobacco Product Use: National Youth Tobacco Survey, 2021
22-12 Do high achievers have the same relationship with e-cigarettes as with cigarettes?
22-11 Teenagers’ perceptions of risk from cigarettes and e-cigarettes
22-09 Sociodemographic, personal, peer, and familial predictors of e-cigarette ever use in ESPAD Ireland: A forward stepwise logistic regression model
22-07 Smoking behavior among junior high school students based on the theory of planned behavior in Madura, Indonesia
22-06 Prevalence and associated factors of smoking among Chinese adolescents: a school-based cross-sectional study
22-03 Adolescents’ Perceptions of Harmfulness of Tobacco and Tobacco-like Products in Finland
22-02 Underage Tobacco Use Survey
22-02 Tobacco Cessation Intervention for Young People
22-02 Parental support and monitoring as associated with adolescent alcohol and tobacco use by gender and age
22-02 Analysis of infrastructural factors related to adolescent smoking behavior: a path analysis study
22-02 Effect of Peer Promoters on Changes in Adolescent Smoking Knowledge and Attitudes: A School-based Intervention Study
22-01 Development and Reach of the Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit: Implementation of a Community-Based Participatory Approach
22-01 Reaching Intermittent Tobacco Users With Technology: New Evidence
22-01 Adolescent E-cigarette Users at Highest Risk of Cigarette Smoking Intention
22-01 Interaction of smoking and being bullied on suicidal behaviors: a school-based cross-sectional survey in China
21-12 Longitudinal Assessment of the Effectiveness of a Tobacco Prevention Programme among school-aged adolescents
21-11 Association between school-based tobacco retailer exposures and young adolescent cigarette, cigar and e-cigarette use
21-10 The Cigarette Smoking Initiation and Continuation in Adolescents Undergoing a Long-Term Behavioral Intervention
21-08 Effectiveness of a School-Based Tobacco Prevention Program for Middle School Students in Saudi Arabia: A Quasi-Experimental Controlled Trial
21-07 Could adolescents be the vehicle that transfers a no-smoking rule from school to home?
21-07 Association between family dynamics and use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs by adolescents
21-07 School-Based Intervention to Prevent Smoking Initiation among Adolescents in Egypt
21-06 Gender differences in attitudes towards a school-based smoking prevention intervention
21-06 Association of prosocial behavior with ever smoking and alcohol drinking among school-going adolescents
21-02 Essays on the unintended effects of tobacco control policies on adolescent health behaviors
21-02 Determining correlates of the average number of cigarette smoking among college students using count regression models
20-05 Parents Are Unaware of Their Youths' Tobacco Use: Results from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study
20-05 The effect of Transtheoretical Model based motivational interviewing on smokeless tobacco cessation in high school students
20-05 Prevalence and determinants of current cigarette smoking and secondhand smoking among Greek adolescents: the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) 2013 study
20-03 Health smoking cessation intervention among high school students: 3-month primary outcome findings from a randomized controlled trial
20-03 Effectiveness school-based educational interventions in preventing smoking in Iranian adolescents: A Systematic Review
20-03 Cigarette smoking as an oral health risk behavior in adolescents: a cross-sectional study among Polish youths
20-03 Secondhand Smoking and Obesity Among Nonsmoking Adolescents Aged 12–15 Years From 38 Low- and Middle-Income Countries
20-02 Psychosocial Factors Associated with Smoking Cessation Attempts in Korean High School Students Who Engage in Intermittent and Light Smoking
20-02 The impact of the point of sale tobacco display ban on young people in Scotland
20-02 Adolescent Smoking in Secondary Schools that Have Implemented Smoke-Free Policies
20-02 Support for Aggressive Tobacco Control Interventions Among California Adolescents and Young Adults
19-11 Cannabis legalization, tobacco prevention policies, and Cannabis use in E-cigarettes among youth
19-11 Smoking susceptibility among non-smoking school-going adolescents in Malaysia
19-11 Impact of School Based Anti-Tobacco Education for Knowledge Enhancement Among High School Children
19-09 Impact of snus use in teenage boys on tobacco use in young adulthood
19-09 Cigarette Smoking Among Secondary School-Going Male Adolescents in Malaysia
19-09 Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours on tobacco, alcohol and other drugs among Nigerian secondary school students
19-09 Effectiveness of School-Based Smoking Prevention Education Program (SPEP) Among Nonsmoking Adolescents
19-08 Long-term impact of plain packaging of cigarettes with larger graphic health warnings: findings from cross-sectional surveys of Australian adolescents between 2011 and 2017
19-08 An examination of how age of onset for alcohol, cannabis, and tobacco are associated with physical activity, screen time and BMI as students are preparing to graduate from high school
19-08 Differential associations of health literacy with Austrian adolescents’ tobacco and alcohol use
19-08 Effect of Participatory Health Promotion Initiative on Tobacco Use among Adolescents: A School-Based Quasi-Experimental Pilot Study from Central India
19-08 Gender differences in the perceived effectiveness of female-focused graphic health warnings against smoking in South Korea
19-07 Effectiveness of a School Based Smokeless Tobacco Intervention
19-07 A Systematic Review of Observational Studies, Demonstrating Smoking among School Going Adolescents
19-05 Physical activity among adolescent tobacco and electronic cigarette users
19-05 Trends in socioeconomic differences in daily smoking among 15-year-old Danes
19-05 Current Cigarette Smoking and Its Predictors among School-Going Adolescents in East Africa
19-04 Self-Reported Use of Tobacco, E-cigarettes, and Marijuana Versus Urinary Biomarkers
19-04 Have e-cigarettes renormalised or displaced youth smoking? Results of a segmented regression analysis of repeated cross sectional survey data in England, Scotland and Wales (Tobacco Control)
19-04 Sex Differences in Multilevel Factors of Smoking Experimentation and Age of Initiation in Korean Adolescents
19-04 Considering the age-graded nature of associations between socioeconomic characteristics and smoking during the transition towards adulthood
19-04 Residential environments and smoking behaviour patterns among young adults
19-02 Low stress resilience in late adolescence and risk of smoking, high alcohol consumption and drug use later in life
18-12 Age of tobacco use initiation and association with current use and nicotine dependence among US middle and high school students, 2014–2016
18-11 Sex and sexual orientation in relation to tobacco use among young adult college students in the US
18-11 Tobacco and Alcohol on Television: A Content Analysis of Male Adolescents’ Favorite Shows
18-11 How Menthol Is Key to the Tobacco Industry's Strategy of Recruiting and Retaining Young Smokers in Singapore
18-11 E-cigarette use is associated with other tobacco use among US adolescents
18-11 Affect, craving, and cognition: An EMA study of ad libitum adolescent smoking.
18-11 Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana expectancies as predictors of substance use initiation in adolescence
18-11 Impact of nearby smoking on adolescent smoking behavior in Korea
18-10 Longitudinal association between tobacco use and the onset of depressive symptoms among Swedish adolescents: the Kupol cohort study
18-10 The magnitude and impact of tobacco marketing exposure in adolescents' day-to-day lives: An ecological momentary assessment (EMA) study
18-10 Association of pleasant sensations at cigarette smoking initiation with subsequent tobacco product use among U.S. adolescents
18-09 The magnitude and impact of tobacco marketing exposure in adolescents' day-to-day lives
18-09 High exposure to nicotine among adolescents who use Juul and other vape pod systems (‘pods’)
18-08 Early vascular damage from smoking and alcohol in teenage years: the ALSPAC study
18-08 Double hazard of smoking and alcohol on vascular function in adolescents
18-08 Attitudes toward Tobacco, Alcohol, and Non-Alcoholic Beverage Advertisement Themes among Adolescent Boys.
18-08 Association of BMI Changes Between Adolescence and Young Adulthood With Smoking Cessation
18-08 It’s not all about price: factors associated with roll-your-own tobacco use among young people
