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Research Links : about 11-16 year old school pupils

12-06 The Sports Participation Effect on Educational Attainment of Black Males
12-06 Improving physical self-perception in adolescent boys from disadvantaged schools
12-06 Physical activity levels during adventure-physical education lessons
12-06 Physical education within the Scottish context
12-06 Physical activity levels in Portuguese high school physical education
12-05 Impact of an Active Video Game on Healthy Children’s Physical Activity (pdf)
12-05 Virtual Umra: An Interdisciplinary Faith-Based Pedometer Intervention for Increasing Steps at School
12-05 Physical Activity Energy Expenditure in Dutch Adolescents
12-05 Pilot Intervention to Increase Physical Activity Among Sedentary Urban Middle School Girls
12-05 Benefits of multi-sports physical education in the elementary school context
12-05 Children with Cerebral Palsy May Benefit From Video Game Play
12-05 Parental predictors of physical inactivity in Spanish adolescents (pdf)
12-05 Views of adolescent female youth on physical activity during early adolescence (pdf)
12-05 Effects of a group contingency strategy on middle school physical education students’ heart rates
12-05 Academic achievement in relation to improved physical activity
12-05 Almost all start but who continue? A longitudinal study of youth participation in Swedish club sports
12-05 Physical Activity, Academic Performance and Cognition in Children and Adolescents (pdf)
12-05 The Influence of Relative Age Effect in the Assessment of High School Students in Physical Education
12-05 Girls and boys attitudes to physical activity, sport and PE lessons
12-03 Wii video games and fitness
12-03 Enhancing the Translation of Physical Activity Interventions in Afterschool Programs
12-03 Direction of the association between body fatness and self-reported screen time in Dutch adolescents (pdf)
12-03 The Influence of Relative Age Effect in the Assessment of High School Students in Physical Education in the UK
12-03 Physical Activity and Intelligence: A Causal Exploration
12-03 Treatment Fidelity of Motivational Interviewing Delivered by a School Nurse to Increase Girls' Physical Activity
12-03 Is physical activity associated with low-risk health behaviours among 15-year-old adolescents in Finland?
12-01 A limited number of high quality studies into exercise and academic performance ... see also ... Physical activity and academic achievement
12-01 Effects of a Group-Based Exercise and Self-Regulatory Intervention on Obese Adolescents’ Physical Activity, Social Cognitions, Body Composition and Strength
12-01 FITNESSGRAM® Friday: A Middle School Physical Activity and Fitness Intervention
12-01 The GLAMA (Girls! Lead! Achieve! Mentor! Activate!) physical activity and peer leadership intervention project(pdf)
12-01 Measuring physical activity using accelerometry in 13–15-year-old adolescents: the importance of including non-wear activities
12-01 Active living neighborhoods: is neighborhood walkability a key element for Belgian adolescents?
12-01 Funding for a community sports club at every secondary school
11-12 Physical activity, academic attainment and achievement
11-11 Cricket helps with bad behaviour
11-11 The effect of an intervention combining self-efficacy theory and pedometers on promoting physical activity among adolescents
11-11 Associations of Physical Fitness and Academic Performance Among US Schoolchildren
11-11 PE - testing, assessments and training
11-11 Adolescent Physical Activity Participation and Motivational Determinants Across Gender, Age, and Race
11-11 Heading a football and brain damage
11-11 Factors Related to the Decrease in Physical Activity Behavior in Adolescent Girls From Primary to Secondary School
11-11 Adolescent Physical Activity Participation and Motivational Determinants Across Gender, Age, and Race
11-10 Girls and Physical Activities: an update (pdf)
11-10 Children are still fit, but not active! (pdf)
11-10 Promoting girls’ participation in sports: discursive constructions of girls in a sports initiative
11-10 High school students’ experiences in a Sport Education unit: The importance of team autonomy and problem-solving opportunities
11-10 What is PE?
11-10 Predicting parental social influences: The role of physical activity variability
11-10 The developmental activities engaged in by elite youth soccer players who progressed to professional status compared to those who did not
11-10 The interaction of factors which influence secondary student physical education teachers’ knowledge and development as teachers
11-10 Children’s weight and participation in organized sports
11-10 Will they stay fit and healthy? A three-year follow-up evaluation of a physical activity and health intervention in Polish youth
11-09 ‘Every child (of every size) matters’ in physical education! Physical education's role in childhood obesity
11-08 The contribution of dance to daily physical activity among adolescent girls (pdf)
11-08 Adolescent girls' and parents' views on recruiting and retaining girls into an after-school dance intervention: Implications for extra-curricular physical activity provision (pdf)
11-08 Sports: Keeping young people healthy (BJSM whole issue)
11-08 Youth Sports: What Counts as "Positive Development?"
11-08 Association Between Weather and Physical Activity in Baltimore Teenagers
11-08 Exercise-induced asthma in adolescents: Challenges for physical education teachers
11-07 Students and teacher responses to a unit of student-designed games
11-07 Promoting lifelong physical activity and high level performance: realising an achievable aim for physical education
11-07 Effects of increased physical activity on motor skills and marks in physical education: an intervention study in school years 1 through 9 in Sweden
11-07 Adolescents and school sport: the relationship between beliefs, social support and physical self-perception
11-07 Differences in attitudes towards exercise, perceived athletic ability, perceived physical attractiveness and participation in physical activity in children and adolescents aged 10 to 18 years old. (pdf)
11-07 A qualitative analysis of individual interest in U.S. middle school physical education: perspectives of early-adolescents
11-07 School Sports Opportunities Influence Physical Activity in Secondary School and Beyond
11-07 Through the eyes of young people: Favourite places for physical activity
11-07 Movement of large bodies impaired: the double burden of obesity: somatic and semiotic issues
11-07 ‘Just Add Facilitators and Stir’: Stimulating Policy Uptake in Schools
11-06 Longitudinal Changes in Physical Self-Perceptions and Associations With Physical Activity During Adolescence
11-06 ‘11 for Health’, a football-based health education programme for children: a two-cohort study in Mauritius and Zimbabwe (pdf)
11-06 Helping young people stay in shape
11-06 When to Initiate Integrative Neuromuscular Training to Reduce Sports-Related Injuries and Enhance Health in Youth? (pdf)
11-06 Are today's children fit and active? (pdf)
11-06 Using Social Cognitive Theory to Predict Physical Activity and Fitness in Underserved Middle School Children
11-06 Home Exercise Equipment-Related Injuries Among U.S. Children
11-05 Through the eyes of young people in New Zealand: Favourite places for physical activity
11-05 Recovery of Oxygen Consumption after Maximal Exercise in Children
11-05 Age-related differences in acceleration, maximum running speed, and repeated-sprint performance in young soccer players
11-05 Peer influence on young athletes’ need satisfaction, intrinsic motivation and persistence in sport
11-05 Step counts and body mass index among 9-14 years old Greek schoolchildren (pdf)
11-05 Determining the effect of cricket leg guards on running performance
11-04 'Fit to Succeed' and academic achievement (pdf)
11-04 Barriers to adolescent girls' participation in physical activity defined by physical activity levels
11-04 Parental Influences on Physical Activity Behavior in Children and Adolescents
11-04 Heart rate biofeedback fails to enhance children's ability to identify time spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity
11-04 Associations of physical activity with muscular fitness in adolescents
11-04 Built Environment Predictors of Active Travel to School Among Rural Adolescents
11-04 Computer- and web-based interventions to increase preadolescent and adolescent physical activity: a systematic review
11-04 Impact of a six-month empowerment-based exercise intervention programme in non-physically active adolescent Swedish girls
11-03 Relationship between self-reported dietary intake and physical activity levels among adolescents (pdf)
11-03 Physical activity buffers the effects of family conflict on depressed mood
11-03 Obese adolescents are less active than their normal-weight peers, but wherein lies the difference?
11-03 The relationship between active travel to school and health-related fitness in children and adolescents (pdf)
11-03 Association of leisure time physical activity and sports competition activities with high blood pressure levels: Portuguese children and adolescents
11-01 Sport coaches who are supportive, motivational and have a culture of openness improve team bonding and performance
11-01 Developing pupils' performance in team invasion games
11-01 Development of skills in soccerspecific laboratory test among adolescent soccer players (pdf)
11-01 Football penalty shoot-outs are unfair
11-01 Methods of identifying high velocity growth in youth soccer players
11-01 The effect of achievement goals on moral attitudes in young athletes (pdf)
11-01 The relationship between motor performance and peer relations in 9- to 12-year-old children
11-01 'Active Sports' The first step to sporting excellence?
11-01 Game related statistics which discriminate between winning and losing under-16 male basketball games (pdf)
11-01 Prevalence of exercise and non-exercise physical activity in Chinese adolescents (pdf)
10-12 The U.S. Healthy Opportunities for Physical Activity and Nutrition (HOP'N) after-school project: an obesity prevention randomized controlled trial (pdf)
10-12 Evidence of secular changes in physical activity and fitness, but not adiposity and diet, in Welsh 12–13 year olds
10-12 When physical activity participation promotes inactivity: Negative experiences of Spanish adolescents in physical education and sport
10-12 The relative influence of demographic, individual, social, and environmental factors on physical activity among boys and girls (pdf)
10-12 Becoming a man while playing a female sport: The construction of masculine identity in French boys doing rhythmic gymnastics
10-12 U.S. adolescent physical activity and screen time: Associations with the physical home environment
10-12 Physical inactivity of black adolescent girls: Is it all about attitude?
10-12 Active commuting to school in children and adolescents: An opportunity to increase physical activity and fitness
10-11 Sports and Sports Books
10-11 The Nutrition and Enjoyable Activity for Teen Girls (NEAT Girls) randomized controlled trial for adolescent girls from disadvantaged secondary schools (pdf)
10-11 The relative influence of demographic, individual, social, and environmental factors on physical activity among boys and girls (pdf)
10-11 The association between overweight and Canadian school policies on physical activity
10-11 Schools Ski Bursary : help to get children skiing
10-11 Associations of television viewing, physical activity and dietary behaviours with obesity in aboriginal and non-aboriginal Canadian youth
10-11 Adolescents, leisure-time sports and parents participation
10-11 Youth development in after-school leisure activities
10-11 Does physical activity and aerobic fitness moderate the association between birth weight and metabolic risk in youth?
10-10 Parental stressors in professional youth football academies
10-10 The impact of physical education and sport on education outcomes: a review of literature (pdf)
10-10 Sports and Sports books
10-10 Overweight/obesity and physical fitness among children and adolescents
10-09 Sport interventions in divided societies
10-09 Overuse injuries in U.S. high school athletes
10-09 The relation between sport participation and the value preferences of Hungarian youth
10-09 Sport events and ethnic reconciliation in war-torn Sri Lanka
10-09 Understanding parent concerns about children’s diet, activity and weight status: an important step towards effective obesity prevention interventions
10-09 Sports and Sports books
10-07 The Association Between School-Based Physical Activity, Including Physical Education, and Academic Performance
10-07 Screen-based activities and physical complaints among adolescents from the Nordic countries
10-07 Uptake and effectiveness of the Children's Fitness Tax Credit in Canada: the rich get richer
10-07 Association between physical activity and cardiovascular risk in Chinese youth independent of age and pubertal stage
10-06 Physical activity and depressive symptoms in adolescents
10-06 Availability of sports facilities as moderator of the intention--sports participation relationship among adolescents
10-06 What happens when you run a marathon?
10-05 School-based interventions promoting both physical activity and healthy eating in Europe: a systematic review within the HOPE project.
10-05 From 1991 onwards there is an upward trend of those 14-15yr. old girls who report being 'unfit'
10-04 Trend in active transportation to school among Swiss school children and its associated factors
10-04 Local school policies increase physical activity in Norwegian secondary schools
10-04 The effects of adolescence sports and exercise on adulthood leisure-time physical activity in educational groups
10-04 Find a sport facility near you
10-03 The differences in bone mineral content between female dancers and controls aged 15 - 17 years old and its relationship with physical activity level
10-03 Can an individual's sense of effort be used to predict how much weight she or he can lift?
10-03 Physical education teaching staff play key role in making you like sport
10-03 Why England keeps losing at football on penalties
10-03 A link between the development of asthma in childhood and low levels of physical activity
10-03 The effects of nutrition and physical activity on bone development in male adolescents
10-03 Health-related physical fitness and weight status in Hong Kong adolescents
10-03 Are families physically active together or couch potatoes?
10-02 The effectiveness of community-based cycling promotion in Australia
10-02 Negative physical activity experiences in the youth of young women with depression
10-02 Evaluation of the health promotion model to predict physical activity in Iranian adolescent boys
10-02 Sixth-grade boys' perceived benefits of and barriers to physical activity and suggestions for increasing physical activity
10-02 Why a short run is better than a long walk
10-02 Activity equipment in the home and adolescents' physical activity
10-02 Coaching behaviors, motivational climate, and psychosocial outcomes among female adolescent athletes
10-02 Effectiveness of a Netherlands school-based physical activity-related injury prevention program on risk behavior and neuromotor fitness
10-01 The nature and characteristics of abdominal injuries sustained during Australian children's sports
10-01 Adolescent body satisfaction: the role of perceived parental encouragement for physical activity
09-12 Declines in physical activity and higher systolic blood pressure in adolescence
09-12 Support for the short-term effectiveness of school-based physical activity promotion programmes
09-12 Adolescent body satisfaction: the role of perceived parental encouragement for physical activity
09-12 The association between cycling to school and being overweight in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) and Kristiansand (Norway)
09-12 Objective and perceived availability of physical activity opportunities: differences in associations with physical activity behavior among urban adolescents
09-12 Moderators of physical activity and obesity during adolescence
09-12 Socioeconomic position and the tracking of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness from childhood to adulthood in Australia
09-11 Can sex-undifferentiated teacher expectations mask an influence of sex stereotypes?
09-11 Parents' perspectives on the practice of high school sport in a Canadian context
09-11 Intensity and breadth of participation in organized activities during the adolescent years
09-10 PE and Sport Survey 2008/09.
09-10 Using sandbags to improve strength in U.S. middle school students
09-10 'Asthma risk' from swimming
09-10 Changes in psychosocial factors and physical activity frequency among US third- to eighth-grade girls who participated in a developmentally focused youth sport program
09-09 Lifestyles and gendered patterns of leisure and sporting interests among Irish adolescents
09-09 Encouraging physical activity in pediatric asthma: a case-control study of the wonders of walking (WOW) program.
09-09 Sports Books
09-09 Meaningful participation of girls in senior physical education courses in British Columbia
09-08 UK School Games
09-08 Sports Books
09-08 Delivering sustainable practice? A case study of the Scottish Active Schools programme
09-08 Active People Survey 3 - interim results
09-07 Grassroot sports
09-07 Exercise and mental health
09-07 Featured Sports from SHEU
09-07 Sports Books from SHEU
09-07 Engaging parents to increase youth physical activity: A systematic review
09-07 Physical activity pattern of 11-12 year old Filipino school children during school days
09-06 UK School Games
09-06 The Youth Sport Trust's first ever Dance Conference, 'Inspiring Dance Practice' will take place on Friday 10 July 2009
09-06 Active Healthy Kids Canada 2009 -- If you're looking to have your kids excel in school, you may
09-06 Does stretching reduce the risk of injury and prevent soreness in people who participate recreationally in physical activity?
09-06 Sky Sports Living for Sport uses sport as a way to motivate and inspire young people who might be finding school life a little hard.
09-06 iPhone can monitor fat burning
09-06 Sports Books
09-05 Challenging gender stereotyping in PE lessons
09-05 Physical self-perceptions of adolescents in Years 8, 9 and 10 in independent schools, state comprehensive schools and specialist sport colleges in England
