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Research Links : about 5-11-year-old school pupils

12-12 Peer Group Influence on Urban Preadolescents' Attitudes Toward Material Possessions
12-12 Environmental Correlates of Active Travel Behavior of Children
12-12 Carers of young and old 'are struggling to cope'
12-12 Understanding the drive to escort: a cross-sectional analysis examining parental attitudes towards children's school travel and independent mobility (pdf)
12-10 The amount of time children spend watching TV and playing video games
12-10 How did the television get in the child's bedroom? Analysis of family interviews
12-10 Is TV Traumatic for All Youths? The Role of Preexisting Posttraumatic-Stress Symptoms in the Link Between Disaster Coverage and Stress
12-10 Cul-de-sac kids
12-10 A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Pretend Play in U.S. and Italian Children
12-08 Family Meals and Child Academic and Behavioral Outcomes
12-08 The Association between Leisure-Time Physical Activities and Asthma Symptoms among 10- to 12-Year-Old Children
12-06 I don’t want to get involved: Shyness, psychological control, and youth activities
12-06 Racial and Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Children’s Television Use and Self-Esteem
12-04 How to avoid 'Nature Deficit Disorder’
12-04 Young children’s perspectives and understandings of emotional difficulties in other children
12-04 Parents and play - The Ribena Plus Play Report (pdf)
12-04 Stigma Building Blocks : How Instruction and Experience Teach Children About Rejection by Outgroups (pdf)
12-04 Parental work characteristics and time with children : The moderating effects of parent's gender and children's age
12-04 How is parenting style related to child anti-social behaviour?
12-02 Influencing factors of screen time in preschool children: an exploration of parents' perceptions through focus groups in six European countries
12-02 Preschool children’s perceptions of overweight peers
12-02 Gender differences in consequences of ADHD symptoms in a community-based organization for youth
12-02 Children, smartphones and unsuitable content
12-02 Culture starved kids
12-01 Exergaming for Health: A Community-Based Pediatric Weight Management Program Using Active Video Gaming
12-01 An international exploratory investigation of students’ perceptions of stressful life events
11-11 Young children’s ICT experiences in the home: Some parental perspectives
11-10 Only Two Hours? A Qualitative Study of the Challenges Parents Perceive in Restricting Child Television Time
11-10 You could just ignore me': Situating peer exclusion within the contingencies of girls’ everyday interactional practices
11-10 Attitudes to childhood overweight and obesity: The limits of cultural explanations
11-08 Helping children reach their full potential (pdf)
11-08 Why children watch multi-screens
11-08 Setting the Baseline: The National Literacy Trust’s first annual survey into reading (pdf)
11-08 The feel of mobility: how children use sedentary lifestyles as a site of resistance
11-07 Importance of Bringing Dogs in Contact with Children during Their Socialization Period for Better Behavior (pdf)
11-07 The Making of an Outsider: Growing Up in Poverty in Northern Ireland
11-07 Games consules: Joint pain and game and mobile use
11-07 Children's school travel in Glasgow
11-07 The Nature of Giving Time to Your Child’s School
11-05 Children prefer watching TV to being active
11-05 Television viewing, food preferences, and food habits among children
11-05 Children’s Drawings of the Self as an Expression of Cultural Conceptions of the Self
11-03 Only Two Hours? A Qualitative Study of the Challenges Parents Perceive in Restricting Child Television Time
11-03 Families and Home Computer Use: Exploring U.S. Parent Perceptions of the Importance of Current Technology
11-03 Racial and Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Children’s Television Use and Self-Esteem
11-02 Almost being there: Video communication with young children
11-02 Maternal employment, work schedules, and U.S. children’s body mass index
11-02 Childhood depression and mass print magazines in the USA and Canada
11-02 Social competence of Hong-Kong elementary-school children; maternal authoritativeness, supportive responses and children's coping strategies
11-01 "Reasons to be cheerful" NFER report on how various aspects of their lives affect children's happiness
11-01 Predictors of parental locus of control in mothers of pre- and early adolesce
11-01 Research into studies of child well-being shows grandmothers are much more important than fathers during the early years
10-12 Mobile phones and bad behaviour in children
10-12 Toying with the world: Children, virtual pets and the value of mobility
10-11 Games for Change - Public Health
10-11 Poorer children still not involved with after-school activities at a quarter of schools

… and …research report
10-11 Why do some children behave worse than others?
10-11 Screen time linked to psychological problems in children
10-09 Parents' and children's perceptions of active video games: a focus group study
10-06 Parents' and children's perceptions of active video games: a focus group study
10-06 Growing up on a farm leads to lifelong protection against allergic rhinitis
10-06 Parents' and children's perceptions of active video games
10-05 Brain-training computer games - are there benefits from short-term use?
10-05 Exploring the apparel needs and preferences of tween girls and their mothers
10-05 Spent money on books 'last week' - 10-11 year olds: 22%(Girls) 15%(Boys) and 14-15 year olds: 4%(Girls/Boys)
10-05 Early childhood TV viewing and possible effects on later development
10-03 From the U.S. - Ask the Mediatrician: media and kids' health
10-03 Effects of video-game ownership on young boys' academic and behavioral functioning
10-03 Children and their pets: Exploring the relationships between pet ownership, pet attitudes, attachment to pets and empathy
10-02 Health promotion in Girl Scouts
10-01 Authoritarian parenting and Asian adolescent school performance
09-12 Contact between grandchildren and their grandparents in early adulthood
09-12 Chemicals used in plastics and children's masculine or feminine play habits
09-12 Accident injury behavior among Chinese junior high school students in peasant worker's children school and urban public school
09-12 Injuries and injury prevention among indigenous children and young people in America
09-12 Parents who influence their children to become scientists
09-12 Risk factors of traffic injury among students in middle and primary schools in China
09-11 Using mobile phones and the long-term risks
09-11 Girls' Attitudes survey -- Girlguiding UK's comprehensive study of the views and opinions of girls aged 7-21 across the UK
09-10 Television viewing, computer use, and BMI among U.S. children and adolescents
09-10 ...there is little evidence that having a working mother during infancy harms a child's mental development or adversely affects its behaviour.'
09-10 Childhood overweight may be more common in the children of employed mothers and there are indications of an increase with increased hours per week of maternal employment.'
09-10 Do parental co-viewing and discussions mitigate TV-induced fears in young children?
09-10 Childnet's Know IT All for Primary Schools
09-09 Designing Mobile Phones for Children -- Is there a Difference?
09-09 Young people : attitudes to home and family
09-09 Access, attitudes and the digital divide: children's attitudes towards computers in a technology-rich environment
09-08 An evaluation of a theory based childhood overweight prevention curriculum (pdf)
09-08 Vigorboards at St Helens ... and ...
09-08 Go-Givers
09-07 Reaping the benefit of effective family learning
09-06 SuperClubsPLUS is a Safe Social Learning Network where 6-12 year olds can meet friends across the UK and around the world, be creative, have fun and learn ICT, Literacy and Global Citizenship together.
09-06 New system of video games classification will help protect children
09-06 Babymatterz
09-04 Baroness Susan Greenfield's Women of the Year 2009 Lecture - 'The impact of current technology on the mind of the 21st Century child'
09-04 Free learning resources, for 1 week, from the USA.
09-04 Latest news about computer viruses
09-04 There are now just as many girls as boys joining the Scouts
09-04 What is the right way to raise children?
09-03 Overweight and lifestyle behaviors of low socioeconomic elementary school children in Buenos Aires
09-03 BBC TV -- children's viewing behaviour similar to adults
09-03 Children get first mobile phone at average age of eight
09-03 Children are making hard-headed financial decisions from the age of seven -- three years sooner than their parents did
09-02 Children from single-parent families lack a male role model
09-02 We are keen to re-do the Health-Related Behaviour Questionnaire with our Year 2s and 6s. The results were so useful for our SEF. - Assistant Headteacher. For details of the SHEU SURVEYS and OFSTED SELF-EVALUATION FORM -... Please contact Angela Balding
09-01 Primary social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL) - Evaluation of small group work
09-01 Web site design affects how children process information
09-01 Letting infants watch TV can do more harm than good says wide-ranging international review
08-12 New Govt. funding to provide exciting safe places for all young people to go to and where young people can take part in a wide range of positive activities such as sport, dance and music
08-11 Welsh mothers less likely to smack naughty five-year-olds
08-11 Parenting practices and support for parents in Scotland
08-11 Smacking and Scottish parents
08-11 The Woodcraft Folk has been awarded a grant of
32-05 [Other Archive 5-11] [Other Latest 5-11] [Top]
23-07 Parental Involvement as a Predictor of Elementary School Students' Emotional and Behavioral Problems
23-05 The Effects of a Cyberbullying Intervention Programme Among Primary School Students

The Influence of Texting Language on Grammar and Executive Functions in Primary School Children.

15-11 Affecting Girls’ Activity and Job Interests Through Play: The Moderating Roles of Personal Gender Salience and Game Characteristics
15-09 Computers 'do not improve' pupil results ... and ... report
15-03 Origins of narcissism in children
15-03 Children tell white lies to make others feel better
15-03 Young Children Show the Bystander Effect in Helping Situations
15-01 Uniquely human self-control begins at school age
14-12 Knowing how to look predicts the ability to draw realistically
14-06 What makes Simon Says so difficult for young children?
14-06 The development of sympathy from 5 to 7 years: increase, decline, or stability?
14-03 Developing children's language creativity through telling stories – An experimental study
14-03 Enacting children’s citizenship: Developing understandings of how children enact themselves as citizens through actions and Acts of citizenship
14-03 Songs From the Car Seat: Exploring the Early Childhood Music-Making Place of the Family Vehicle
14-01 Which robot behavior can motivate children to tidy up their toys?
13-10 Creative primary schools: developing and maintaining pedagogy for creativity
13-10 Encountering migration: English primary school teachers’ responses to Polish children
13-02 Sex or gender identity? Understanding children's reading choices and motivation
12-12 Sex or gender identity? Understanding children's reading choices and motivation
12-08 Body Image Parent Pack aims to help promote positive self-esteem among children
12-04 Differences between humour comprehension and appreciation in healthy children and children with epilepsy
12-02 The age of reason: An examination of psychosocial factors involved in delinquent behaviour
Safety, Other
22-06 The Impact of School-Based Mindfulness Intervention on Bullying Behaviors Among Teenagers: Mediating Effect of Self-Control
22-03 A pilot intervention study on bullying prevention among junior high school students in Shantou, China
21-08 A Parent’s Guide to Swimming Pool Safety & Hygiene
21-01 Domestic violence prevention for children: an evaluation of a primary school based programme
20-11 Bullying involvement and self-reported mental health in elementary school children across Europe
20-11 Oral disorders associated with the experience of verbal bullying among Brazilian school-aged children: A case-control study
20-09 School-wide social emotional learning (SEL) and bullying victimization: Moderating role of school climate in elementary, middle, and high schools
20-05 What Are The Effects Of Bullying Among Schoolchildren?
19-11 Lessons learned from implementing the KiVa antibullying programme in UK primary schools
19-07 Can a before-school physical activity program decrease bullying victimization in disadvantaged children? The Active-Start Study
19-03 Peer Support at Schools: the Buddy Approach as a Prevention and Intervention Strategy for School Bullying
18-11 Sexual Minority Bullying and Mental Health From Early Childhood Through Adolescence
18-08 The Relationship Between Neighborhood Safety and Children's Asthma

Bullying, mental health and friendship in Australian primary school children


Bullying at school: Agreement between caregivers' and children's perception


Bullying in schools: the state of knowledge and effective interventions.


What children are telling us about bullying


Child cyclists: A study of factors affecting their safety


How do children learn to cross the street? The process of pedestrian safety training

15-12 Association of Bullying Behavior at 8 Years of Age and Use of Specialized Services for Psychiatric Disorders by 29 Years of Age
15-11 Bullying and school transition: Context or development?
15-07 The effects of general interpersonal and bullying-specific teacher behaviors on pupils’ bullying behaviors at school
15-05 Cyberbullying and Primary-School Aged Children: The Psychological Literature and the Challenge for Sociology
15-04 Impact of childhood bullying still evident after 40 years
14-12 The Nature and Frequency of Cyber Bullying Behaviors and Victimization Experiences in Young Canadian Children
14-12 Bullying and 10-11 year olds : Young People into 2014 SHEU
14-11 Bullying continues to impact on wellbeing of pupils, parents and professionals
14-11 1 in 10 adults have used abusive language towards a disabled person and children have adopted use of bullying language
14-09 To tell or not to tell: What influences children’s decisions to report bullying to their teachers?
14-09 Breakfast skipping is associated with cyberbullying and school bullying victimization. A school-based cross-sectional study
14-06 School run safety - ‘near misses’ while walking or cycling to or from school
14-06 Is bullying bad for your health? The consequences of bullying perpetration and victimization in childhood on health behaviors in adulthood
14-06 Mental Health and Bullying in the United States Among Children Aged 6 to 17 Years
14-03 The Impact of Workplace Bullying on Primary School Teachers and Principals
14-02 NZ school bans playground rules and sees less bullying and vandalism ... and ... UK report
13-10 Evaluation of Bully-Proofing Your School as an Elementary School Antibullying Intervention
13-10 The social and emotional skills of bullies, victims, and bully–victims of Egyptian primary school children
13-10 Do Children Who Bully Their Peers Also Play Violent Video Games?
13-10 The Critical Role of School Climate in Effective Bullying Prevention
13-10 The Role of Attitudes About Vaccine Safety, Efficacy, and Value in Explaining Parents’ Reported Vaccination Behavior
13-10 A meta-analysis of the effect of school-based anti-bullying programs
13-10 Lessons From a Concurrent Evaluation of Eight Antibullying Programs Used in Sweden (pdf)
13-05 10 years of bullying data: what does it tell us?
13-05 Parent Perceptions of Neighborhood Safety and Children's Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Obesity
13-05 Chronic bullying victimization across school transitions: The role of genetic and environmental influences
13-05 Suck it Up, Walk it Off, Be a Man: A Controversial Look at Bullying in Today's Schools
13-05 Towards a richer understanding of school-age children’s experiences of domestic violence: The voices of children and their mothers
13-05 Effects of an emotional literacy intervention for students identified with bullying behaviour
13-02 Cyberbullying issues in schools: an exploratory, qualitative study from the perspective of teaching professionals (pdf)
12-12 Does bullying others at school lead to adult aggression? The roles of drinking and university participation during the transition to adulthood
12-12 The Relationships Among Girls’ Prosocial Video Gaming, Perspective-Taking, Sympathy, and Thoughts About Violence
12-12 Cyberbullying Among Primary School Students in Turkey: Self-Reported Prevalence and Associations with Home and School Life
12-12 Characteristics of effective schools in facing and reducing bullying
12-10 Traditional bullying as a potential warning sign of cyberbullying (pdf)
12-10 The emergence of cyberbullying: A survey of primary school pupils’ perceptions and experiences
12-10 Cyberbullying: An increasing challenge for schools (pdf)
12-10 Correlates of teachers’ ways of handling bullying
12-08 Do parents’ and children's concerns about sports safety and injury risk relate to how much physical activity children do?
12-04 Children as young as eight are victims of mental and physical bullying on the school playing field
12-02 E-safety education: Young people, surveillance and responsibility
12-02 Rates of cyber victimization and bullying among male Australian primary and high school students
Exercise, Lifestyle, Gambling, Other
15-10 Children’s implicit recall of junk food, alcohol and gambling sponsorship in Australian sport
Health, Other
15-01 Cortical Thickness Maturation and Duration of Music Training: Health-Promoting Activities Shape Brain Development
