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Research Links : about 5-11-year-old school pupils

12-02 Fairy tales: a compass for children's healthy development – a qualitative study in a Greek island
12-01 Exploring the Impact of Educational Television and Parent–Child Discussions on Children's Racial Attitudes
12-01 Evaluation of the ‘‘Lose Your Excuse’’ Public Service Advertising Campaign for Tweens to Save Energy
11-11 Low-Income Families and Coping Through Brands: Inclusion or Stigma?
11-10 Contexts of childhood and play: Exploring parental perceptions
11-08 Dads Who Do Diapers: Factors Affecting Care of Young Children by Fathers
11-07 Late Talking and the Risk for Psychosocial Problems During Childhood and Adolescence (pdf)
11-05 Children’s shoe styles and parent decisions to fit shoes with store staff assistance (pdf)
11-05 SHEUNews - an occasional newsletter
11-03 Road traffic accidents, visual looming and children's development
11-02 Child cruelty in the UK - An NSPCC study into childhood abuse and neglect over the past 30 years (pdf)
11-01 Sex offenders should not be banned from looking after children
11-01 Children and adults see the world differently
10-12 Noise annoyance as reported by 8- to 14-year-old children in Germany
10-11 Chinese children's evaluations of white lies: Weighing the consequences for recipients
10-10 Temperament styles of Greek and US children
10-10 "Girls think they are cleverer, more successful and harder working than boys from as young as four"
10-10 Other people’s children: Single women and residential childcare in mid-20th century England
10-10 Young girls’ and caretakers’ reports of problem behavior in the US: Comprehension and concordance across age, race, and behavior
10-10 Personality development and problem behavior in Russian children and adolescents
10-07 Are children's views of the "enemy" shaped by a highly-publicized negative event?
10-06 Longitudinal studies of children
10-05 Social participation and independent mobility in children: The effects of two implementations of 'We go to school alone'
10-03 Similarity predicts liking in 3-year-old children
10-02 Children in care: their experiences of 'getting advice'
10-02 Do nonphysical punishments reduce antisocial behavior more than spanking?
10-02 Automatic prejudice in childhood and early adolescence
10-02 ...girls are highly sexualised and boys are over-masculinised from a young age.'
10-02 Effect of childhood age in foster care on the incidence of divorce in adulthood
10-01 Most children under the age of 10 are remorseless sociopaths with little regard for anything other than their own egocentric interests and pleasures
10-01 Wearing shoes of insufficient length during childhood has often been cited as leading to deformities of the foot
09-12 A new charity, Article 1, has been established to inform government and citizens about the prevention of genocide and mass atrocities.
09-12 Listening to children's music perspectives: in- and out-of-school thoughts
09-11 Childhood, Well-Being and a Therapeutic Ethos
09-11 Children left 'vulnerable' by therapy culture'
09-10 Children can greatly reduce abdominal pain by using their imagination
09-09 Parents say that honesty is the best policy, but they regularly lie to their children as a way of influencing their behavior and emotions
09-09 Growing Up In Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
09-09 Watch the video 'Make them Go Away'
09-08 National Schools' First Aid Competition
09-08 Children's perceptions of and attitudes towards, transport modes: why a vehicle for change is long overdue
09-07 A rise in overcrowded housing
09-07 Pigeons judge the beauty of art as humans do
09-06 'Alice' - Imaginary world invisibly teaches children to write computer programmes
09-05 Young children's trust in their mother's claims
09-05 Research paper
09-05 Young children prefer the opinion of the majority
09-04 Why children don't listen to parents' advice: they're just storing it away for later
09-04 Gingerbread study on child contact in separated families - The majority of children from the separated families...were in touch with both their parents
09-03 Worm Week 2009
09-03 Young people in Japan share their experiences and thoughts of everyday life
09-03 A great change is coming over childhood in the world's richest countries. Today's rising generation is the first in which a majority are spending a large part of early childhood in some form of out-of-home child care
09-03 The importance of being a 'lady'
09-02 3M Streetwise
09-02 The Good Childhood Inquiry
09-01 Wroxham School blogs
09-01 The use of insults at a young age improves social skills and helps children develop a sense of humour
09-01 Teaching pupils to be researchers enhances their 'pupil voice'
09-01 Kids in the middle: An agony aunt's guide for parting parents and their children
08-12 Peer relationships in primary school
08-12 There is an unjustified and disturbing intolerance of children in the UK
08-12 Educational Christmas gift ideas from 'Primary Teachers'
08-11 Children who are aggressive in infancy and are from families with harsh parenting styles and insufficient income appear more likely to be consistently victimized.
08-11 Potential mechanisms for the hypothesized link between sunshine, vitamin D, and food allergy in children
08-11 Engaging children: Development of School Nutrition Action Groups in secondary schools and effect upon food choice - Amanda Squire, University of Wales Institute (from the School Food Trust)
Safety, Other
12-01 A Mixed-Method Evaluation of a Strength-Based Bullying Prevention Program
12-01 ‘Tiny Teachers’ Help Tackle Bullying in Schools
11-10 A Mixed-Method Evaluation of a Strength-Based Bullying Prevention Program
11-08 Monkey See, Monkey Do, Monkey Hurt: Longitudinal Effects of Exposure to Violence on Children’s Aggressive Behavior (pdf)
11-03 New Laureus report shows sport can tackle youth crime – and save taxpayers’ money
11-03 An evaluation of a drama program to enhance social relationships and anti-bullying at elementary school: a controlled study
11-02 A large-scale evaluation of the Finnish KiVa Antibullying program
11-01 Parents' and primary healthcare practitioners' perspectives on the safety of honey and other traditional paediatric healthcare approaches
10-12 Perceived school and neighborhood safety, neighborhood violence and academic achievement in U.S. urban school children
10-11 The prevalence and characteristics of first to eighth grade bullying victims
10-10 Preventing childhood bullying: Findings and lessons from the Denver public schools trial
10-06 Optimizing population screening of bullying in school-aged children
10-05 Around 26% of 10-11 year olds experience some form of bullying 'often' or 'every day' and 26% of the girls felt it was due to the 'way they looked'.
10-05 Food safety knowledge and behaviours of children
10-05 Places to avoid: Population-based study of student reports of unsafe and high bullying areas at school
10-03 Bystander responses to school bullying: A cross-sectional investigation of grade and sex differences
10-03 Preventing childhood bullying: Findings and lessons from the Denver public schools trial
10-01 Early adolescents' participation in bullying
09-11 Who escapes or remains a victim of bullying in primary school?
09-11 Research on cyberbullying highlights the role of parents in prevention
09-10 Australian trainee teachers will be educated in how to monitor and manage cyber-bullying in Australian schools
09-09 The DVD 'Make Them Go Away' is aimed at children from 7 to 14 to to help schools prevent and tackle bullying of young people with SEN and disabilities
09-08 An Applied Learning Activity for Health and Fitness Students to Advocate for School Playground and Gymnasium Safety (pdf)
09-08 Process evaluation of a school-based intervention to increase physical activity and reduce bullying
09-04 Study finds link between exposure to community violence and a disruption to the stress pathways in the body
09-02 New tactics to tackle bystander's role in bullying
09-01 Bullying in Australian primary schools is in the worst category in the world.
08-11 Happiness, bullying, health and wellbeing - pupils in Northern Ireland
32-10 [RSE Archive 5-11] [RSE Latest 5-11] [Top]
23-09 A Comparative Study of Sex Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in China and the United States
23-08 "What's Something You've Heard About Sex, But Are Unsure If It's True?”: Assessing Middle and High School Students' Sex Education Questions
23-07 Sex Education in Italy: An Overview of 15 Years of Projects in Primary and Secondary Schools
23-05 Sexting at an Early Age: Patterns and Poor Health-Related Consequences of Pressured Sexting in Middle and High School.
22-04 Relationship-Centered Education in Primary School: An Ethnographic Case Study
22-02 School-based relationships and sexuality education programmes in primary schools: contexts, mechanisms and outcomes
21-11 ‘My friends would laugh at me’: embedding the dominant heterosexual script in the talk of primary school students
21-06 Sex Ed by Brown Med: Evaluating the Impact of Medical Student-Led Sexual Health Curriculum on Middle Schoolers’ Attitudes, Beliefs, and Knowledge
21-01 ’My Body, My Boundaries’: The Impact of a New Sexual Health Program on Elementary Age Children and Parents in Mississippi
20-06 Education for the prevention of sexual abuse in the early years
20-05 Being fun is no laughing matter
20-04 Review Study on Educational Interventions Promoting Sexual Health of Children Under 12 Years
20-03 Prosocial Behavior and Subjective Well-Being in School among Elementary School Students: the Mediating Roles of the Satisfaction of Relatedness Needs at School and Self-Esteem
19-05 Sexual health education outcomes within Canada’s elementary health education curricula
18-04 Disgust Toward Sex-Relevant and Sex-Irrelevant Stimuli in Pre-, Early, and Middle Adolescence

Sexual and reproductive health needs and risks of very young adolescent refugees and migrants from Myanmar living in Thailand


Educators’ understanding of young children’s typical and problematic sexual behaviour and their training in this area


Parents’ views on sex education in schools: How much do Democrats and Republicans agree?


Engaging parents with sex and relationship education: A UK primary school case study


“Pink is a Girl's Color”: A Case Study of Bilingual Kindergarteners' Discussions about Gender Roles


Proposal to end US research funding for 'Abstinence-Only' Sex Education


Mothers’ Attitude to Giving Sexuality Education as a Check to Sexual Abuse of Primary School Girls in South-East Nigeria

15-12 Too much, Too soon? Or Too little, Too late? The case for Sex and Relationships Education in Primary Schools
15-10 Healthy Schools London SRE Primary Scheme of Work
15-10 Professor Robert Winston interview: The scientist on sex education …
15-10 "Let’s fight the sex education establishment"
15-10 " ...starting sex education at primary school could be the key to transforming the grisly experiences of freshers’ week"
15-07 Kissing brides and loving hot vampires: children's construction and perpetuation of heteronormativity in elementary school classrooms
15-05 The case for starting sex education in kindergarten
15-04 School-based education programmes for the prevention of child sexual abuse
15-03 Young children's ability to use two-dimensional and three-dimensional symbols to show placements of body touches and hidden objects
15-02 ‘Too many bad role models for us girls’: Girls, female pop celebrities and ‘sexualization’
15-01 Sexuality in school: the limits of education [Book Review]
14-12 The sexual exploitation of children: it couldn't happen here, could it?
14-12 "Sex Education" journal search : primary schools
14-12 Google books search : SRE
14-12 Curriculum design : What to include in SRE
14-12 fpa resources : sex education, PSHE, SRE
14-12 Sex Education Forum Events and Training diary
14-12 tes connect : sex education resources KS 1/2
14-11 Features of gender identity development in primary schoolchildren.
14-10 Experiences with sexual content: What we know from the research so far
14-08 Study reveals scale of the sexual exploitation of boys
14-08 Replicating impact of a primary school HIV prevention programme: primary school action for better health, Kenya
14-08 Sex education and sexuality education information from Univ. of Hawaii
14-07 "Growing up with Yasmine and Tom" - Unique interactive teaching resource for primary schools
14-06 Investing in very young adolescents' sexual and reproductive health
14-06 “I'm just trying to be tough, okay”: Masculine performances of everyday practices
14-06 It’s all about the six-pack :Boys’ bodies in contemporary Western culture
14-06 UNESCO’s Guidance on puberty and sexual health education for students aged 9–12 years compared to an upper primary school curriculum
14-05 "Anxiety Symptoms in African American Youth The Role of Puberty and Biological Sex"
14-05 Investing in very young adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health
14-04 Type of Primary Education Is Associated With Condom Use at Sexual Debut Among Chilean Adolescents
14-04 Parental attitude towards sex education at the lower primary in Ghana
14-04 Primary schools and the delivery of relationships and sexuality education : the experience of Queensland teachers
14-03 Pledge by Ed Miliband for compulsory sex education
14-03 New Evidence: Data Documenting Parental Support for Earlier Sexuality Education (pdf)
14-03 Sex education videos now classified by the BBFC … and ... BBFC research report
14-01 How Children Report True and Fabricated Stressful and Non-Stressful Events
14-01 Preferences Regarding School Sexuality Education Among Elementary Schoolchildren's Parents
14-01 Domestic abuse prevention education: listening to the views of young people (pdf)
14-01 Do primary students understand how pregnancy can occur? A comparison of students in Jakarta, West Java, West Nusa Tenggara and South Sulawesi, Indonesia
13-11 What (else) can a kiss do? Theorizing the power plays in young children’s sexual cultures
13-10 Kiss and tell: Boys, girls and sexualities in the early years
13-10 Do primary students understand how pregnancy can occur? A comparison of students in Jakarta, West Java, West Nusa Tenggara and South Sulawesi, Indonesia
13-05 Children's Commisioner: Basically... Porn is everywhere - A Rapid Evidence Assessment of the effects that access and exposure to pornography have on children and young people (pdf)
13-05 #ASEChat Sex Ed in Science - Getting it right
13-05 Sex education and masculinity: the ‘problem’ of boys
13-05 Increasing Knowledge of Sexual Abuse: A Study With Elementary School Children in Hawai‘i
13-05 Early puberty, ‘sexualization’ and feminism
13-02 Has untargeted sexual health promotion for young people reached its limit? A quasi-experimental study (pdf)
13-02 Old enough to know: Consulting children about sex and AIDS education in Africa (pdf)
13-02 Children's conceptions of AIDS, HIV and condoms: A study from Botswana (pdf)
13-02 Four-year-olds' beliefs about how others regard males and females (pdf)
13-02 Increasing Knowledge of Sexual Abuse: A Study With Elementary School Children in Hawai‘i
12-12 Parents' attitudes toward the sex education that their children learn at school (pdf)
12-12 The impact of the ‘social and emotional aspects of learning’ framework on primary aged pupils’ learning, attendance and behaviour
12-12 An exploration of the experiences of children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties in a mainstream primary school
12-12 Conceptions about sexuality and sex education of boys and girls at school-age (pdf)
12-10 Getting ‘foolishly hot and bothered’? Parents and teachers and sex education in the 1940s
12-08 Parents' Perception, Students' and Teachers' attitude towards Ethiopian School Sex Education (pdf)
12-08 Do Parents Talk to Their Adolescent Children about Sex?—Findings from a Community Survey in Singapore (pdf)
12-06 “What if You Already Know Everything About Sex?” Content Analysis of Questions From Early Adolescents in a Middle School Sex Education Program
12-06 Book: How to Talk With Your Kids About Sex: Help Your Children Develop a Positive, Healthy Attitude Toward Sex and Relationships
12-06 Insider Views of the Emotional Climate of the Classroom: What New Zealand Children Tell Us about Their Teachers' Feelings
12-06 Sexual Harassment of Girls in Elementary School
12-06 Quality of relationships between preschool children and their divorced mothers
12-04 Social–Emotional Learning in Grades 3 to 6 and the Early Onset of Sexual Behavior
12-04 The level of knowledge on the subject of HIV/AIDS among grade 6 and grade 7 learners of Idas Valley Primary School in Stellenbosch (pdf)
12-04 The individual and contextual impact of a school-based exhibition for AIDS prevention
12-04 Parents as HIV/AIDS Educators (Ch.4 p.95)
12-04 Parental perceptions of the roles of home and school in health education for elementary school children in Finland
12-02 Children's social and emotional wellbeing in schools (book)
12-02 HIV-Positive Mothers’ Communication About Safer Sex and STD Prevention With Their Children
12-01 Sexualisation of children: what the research shows re- Australian mediated culture (pdf)
12-01 Review of recent literature for the Bailey Review of commercialisation and sexualisation of childhood (pdf)
12-01 Body Image in the Primary School
11-11 Sex education in US public schools to stress abstinence
11-11 Sex education debate October, Andrea Leadsom, House of Commons
11-11 Sex education debate House of Lords
11-11 The RealCare Baby® Program: Evidence of Efficacy (pdf)
11-08 The first sex education book for Chinese primary schools?
11-08 Effects of early relationships on children’s perceived control
11-08 Letting Children be Children - Report of an Independent Review of the Commercialisation and Sexualisation of Childhood
11-07 An exploration in Health Education of an integrated theoretical basis for Sexuality Education pedagogies for young people
Education, SRE
15-10 Stable same-sex friendships with higher achieving partners promote mathematical reasoning in lower achieving primary school children
