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14-01 Passive smoking increases children's pain during medical procedures
13-11 New York raising age to buy cigarettes from 18 to 21
13-11 Trends in educational differences in adolescent daily smoking across Europe, 2002–10
13-11 A Randomized Clinical Trial of the Efficacy of Extended Smoking Cessation Treatment for Adolescent Smokers
13-11 How soon they forget: changes to beliefs after learning about tobacco
13-11 Concurrent use of khat and tobacco is associated with verbal learning and delayed recall deficits
13-10 Cigarette Smoking Among Asian American and Pacific Islander College Students Implications for College Health Promotion (pdf)
13-10 Environmental Influences on Tobacco Use Among Asian American and Pacific Islander Youth (pdf)
13-10 Statistics on Smoking, England - 2013
13-10 Performance of English stop smoking services in first 10 years
13-10 Predictors and Patterns of Cigarette and Smokeless Tobacco Use Among Adolescents in 32 Countries, 2007–2011
13-10 Cigarette pack design and adolescent smoking susceptibility: a cross-sectional survey (pdf)
13-10 Attitudes towards SMS text message smoking cessation support: a qualitative study of pregnant smokers
13-10 School-based programmes for preventing smoking (pdf)
13-09 Statistics on Smoking, England - 2013
13-09 The Influence of Prices on Youth Tobacco Use in India
13-09 Tobacco cessation interventions for young people (pdf)
13-09 Social Norms Intervention to Prevent Smoking: A Feasibility Study
13-07 Young people bought/tried electronic cigarettes?
13-07 German Medical Students’ Beliefs About the Effectiveness of Different Methods of Stopping Smoking
13-07 The Waterpipe: A New Way of Hooking Youth on Tobacco
13-07 How does rate of smoking cessation vary by age, gender and social grade? Findings from a population survey in England
13-07 Community interventions for preventing smoking in young people (pdf)
13-07 Does advertising matter? Estimating the impact of cigarette advertising on smoking among youth in developing countries
13-07 Psychological predictors of male smokeless tobacco use initiation and cessation: a 16-year longitudinal study
13-07 Smoking initiation and personal characteristics of secondary students in Hong Kong
13-07 A note on the effects of education on youth smoking in a developing country
13-07 A qualitative exploration of young adult smokers’ responses to novel tobacco warnings (pdf)
13-07 Smoking behavior and sociodemographic differences among young people: Further evidence from southern Sweden based on public health survey data
13-07 Ambivalence and fluidity in the teenage smoking and quitting experience: Lessons from a qualitative study at an English secondary school
13-06 School-based programmes for preventing smoking (pdf)
13-06 Smoking cessation and characteristics of success and failure among female high-school smokers
13-06 Tobacco smoking, exposure to second-hand smoke, and asthma and wheezing in schoolchildren: a cross-sectional study
13-06 Does advertising matter? Estimating the impact of cigarette advertising on smoking among youth in developing countires
13-06 Responses to environmental smoking in never-smoking children: can symptoms of nicotine addiction develop in response to environmental tobacco smoke exposure?
13-06 Smoking in Movies and Adolescent Smoking Initiation: Longitudinal Study in Six European Countries
13-06 The dynamic role of parental influences in preventing adolescent smoking initiation
13-05 Parental Smoking in the Vicinity of Children and Tobacco Control Policies in the European Region (pdf)
13-05 School-based programmes for preventing smoking (pdf)
13-05 How to minimize children’s environmental tobacco smoke exposure (pdf)
13-05 Lifecourse SEP and tobacco and cannabis usen (pdf)
13-05 Psychological predictors of male smokeless tobacco use initiation and cessation: a 16-year longitudinal study
13-05 “When you're desperate you'll ask anybody”: young people's social sources of tobacco
13-05 Cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking in a representative sample of English school pupils: Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations
13-03 The styles of coping in stressful situations and the strain of psychological complaints in relation to tobacco smoking in senior secondary school adolescents
13-03 Initiation with menthol cigarettes and youth smoking uptake (pdf)
13-02 Parents Smoking in Their Cars With Children Present (pdf)
13-02 Parental Smoking in the Vicinity of Children and Tobacco Control Policies in the European Region (pdf)
13-02 Parental smoking and children's anxieties: an appropriate strategy for health education?
13-02 E-Cigarette: A New Tobacco Product for Schoolchildren in Paris
13-02 Cigarette smoking and measures of impulsivity in a college sample
13-02 Nearly half of new mothers relapse to smoking within six weeks
13-02 Quitting smoking reduces anxiety
13-02 Passive smoking link to dementia
12-12 Social relationships and subsequent health-related behaviours: linkages between adolescent peer status and levels of adult smoking in a Stockholm cohort (pdf)
12-12 Information Management Strategies Within Conversations About Cigarette Smoking: Parenting Correlates and Longitudinal Associations With Teen Smoking.
12-12 Incentives for preventing smoking in children and adolescents
12-12 The impact of maternal prenatal smoking on the development of childhood overweight in school-aged children
12-11 Prevalence of alcohol and tobacco use among Brazilian adolescents (pdf)
12-11 Portrayals of Teen Smoking, Drinking, and Drug Use in Recent Popular Movies
12-11 The likely impact of plain packaging of tobacco products on young people
12-11 Parenting Practices and Adolescent Risk Behavior: Rules on Smoking and Drinking Also Predict Cannabis Use and Early Sexual Debut (pdf)
12-10 Second-hand tobacco smoke and children
12-10 Effect of a Smoking Ban and School-Based Prevention and Control Policies on Adolescent Smoking in Spain: A Multilevel Analysis
12-10 The likely impact of plain packaging of tobacco products on young people
12-10 Evidence of Social Contextual Effects on Adolescent Smoking in South Korea
12-10 The reciprocal relationships between changes in adolescent perceived prevalence of smoking in movies and progression of smoking status
12-10 Secondhand smoke in cars: assessing children's potential exposure during typical journey conditions
12-10 The likely impact of plain packaging of tobacco products on young people
12-09 The assessment of tobacco dependence in young users of smokeless tobacco
12-09 Smokeless tobacco products pose serious health risks
12-09 Consumer perceptions of cigarette pack design in France: a comparison of regular, limited edition and plain packaging
12-09 Second-hand smoke exposure and psychological distress in adolescents
12-09 Does staying in school (and not working) prevent teen smoking and drinking?
12-09 The potential harm of cannabis among adolescents
12-08 Discussions with adults and youth to inform the development of a community-based tobacco control programme
12-08 Smoking, Plain Packaging and Young People
12-08 Gender differences in cigarette smoking, social correlates and cessation among adolescents
12-08 Does smoking affect schooling? Evidence from teenagers in rural China
12-08 Which interventions against the sale of tobacco to minors can be expected to reduce smoking?
12-08 Survey of Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young People in England
12-08 Evaluation of a 5-year School-based County-wide Smoking Education Programme
12-08 Smoking in Early and Mid-Adolescence
12-08 The role of environmental smoking in smoking-related cognitions and susceptibility to smoking in never-smoking 9–12 year-old children
12-07 The impact on the lungs of smoking cannabis
12-07 Smoking - SHEU Literature Search Resource (304 items currently)
12-07 Who is Most Susceptible to Movie Smoking Effects? Exploring the Impacts of Race and Socioeconomic Status
12-07 The role of family incomes in cigarette smoking: evidence from French students
12-07 A best–worst scaling survey of adolescents' level of concern for health and non-health consequences of smoking
12-07 Short-term Effects of a Smoking Prevention Website in American Indian Youth (pdf)
12-07 Out of sight, out of mind? Removal of point-of-sale tobacco displays in Norway
12-07 Tobacco promotion 'below-the-line': Exposure among adolescents and young adults in NSW, Australia (pdf)
12-06 Males who smoke before conception may damage their children’s health
12-06 Does smoking affect schooling? Evidence from teenagers in rural China
12-06 Analysis of Influential Factors Associated With the Smoking Behavior of Aboriginal Schoolchildren in Remote Taiwanese Mountainous Areas
12-06 Ambivalence and Fluidity in the Teenage Smoking and Quitting Experience: Lessons from A Qualitative Study at an English Secondary School
12-06 Smoking: School-based research literature search from SHEU
12-06 Early smoking in school-aged children with and without a diagnosis of asthma
12-06 Parental Smoking and Vascular Damage in Their 5-year-old Children (pdf)
12-05 A Qualitative Mediation Study to Evaluate a School-Based Tobacco Prevention Program in India
