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Sibling cigarette smoking and peer network influences on substance use potential among adolescent: a population based study
E-cigarette marketing exposure and combustible tobacco use among adolescents in the United States
Attitudes toward Tobacco, Alcohol, and Non-Alcoholic Beverage Advertisement Themes among Adolescent Boys
E-cigarette use, dual use of e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes, and frequency of cannabis use among high school students
Impact of E-Cigarette Minimum Legal Sale Age Laws on Current Cigarette Smoking
Education and indoor smoking among parents who smoke: the mediating role of perceived social norms of smoking
Evidence review of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products 2018: executive summary
Slim cigarette smoking prevalence among Canadian youth smokers: Implications for federal standardized packaging legislation
Educational gradients in the use of electronic cigarettes and heat-not-burn tobacco products in Japan
Association of Combined Patterns of Tobacco and Cannabis Use in Adolescence With Psychotic Experiences
Exposure to tobacco websites: Associations with cigarette and e-cigarette use and susceptibility among adolescents
Identifying patterns of tobacco use among US middle and high school students
Cost-effectiveness of tobacco control policies and programmes targeting adolescents
Tobacco Smoke Exposure Association With Lipid Profiles and Adiposity Among U.S. Adolescents
Should the Legal Age for Tobacco Be Raised? Results From a National Sample of Adolescents.
Tobacco cessation interventions for young people
Tobacco Content in Video Games: Categorization of Tobacco Typologies and Gamer Recall
Oral Contraceptives and Cigarette Smoking: A Review of the Literature and Future Directions
How Do Tobacco Power Walls Influence Adolescents? A Study of Mediating Mechanisms.
Current and Former Smokers' Use of Electronic Cigarettes for Quitting Smoking: An Exploratory Study of Adolescents and Young Adults.
Socioeconomic status is associated with the prevalence and co-occurrence of risk factors for cigarette smoking initiation during adolescence.
Engagement Within a Mobile Phone–Based Smoking Cessation Intervention for Adolescents and its Association With Participant Characteristics and Outcomes
Evaluation of a novel intervention providing insight into the tobacco industry to prevent the uptake of smoking in school-aged children
The impact of flavour, device type and warning messages on youth preferences for electronic nicotine delivery systems
Electronic Cigarette Use in Students and Its Relation with Tobacco-Smoking
Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young People in England 2016
Associations of perceived interparental relationship, family harmony and family happiness with smoking intention in never-smoking Chinese children and adolescents
Age-Varying Associations Between Cigarette Smoking, Sensation Seeking, and Impulse Control Through Adolescence and Young Adulthood
To what extent and why adolescents do or do not support future tobacco control measures
Providing Antismoking Socialization to Children After Quitting Smoking: Does It Help Parents Stay Quit?
Feasibility and Acceptability of a Text Message-Based Smoking Cessation Program for Young Adults in Lima
Influence of Health Warnings on Beliefs about the Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking, in the Context of an Experimental Study in Four Asian Countries
Smokers who have children with asthma: Perceptions about child secondhand smoke exposure and tobacco use initiation and parental willingness to participate in child-focused tobacco interventions
Post-High School Changes in Tobacco and Cannabis Use in the United States
Tobacco Use and Effects of Professional Advice on Smoking Cessation among Youth in India
New Zealand adolescents’ discouragement of smoking among their peers
Effectiveness of government anti-smoking policy on non-smoking youth in Korea
A Longitudinal Study Predicting Adolescent Tobacco, Alcohol, and Cannabis Use by Behavioral Characteristics of Close Friends
Access to Tobacco Among California High School Students: The Role of Family Members, Peers, and Retail Venues
Intervention Effects on Stage Transitions for Adolescent Smoking and Alcohol Use Acquisition
The Prospective Relationship Between Distress Tolerance and Cigarette Smoking Expectancies in Adolescence
Physical Activity and Quit Motivation Moderators of Adolescent Smoking Reduction
Association Between Initial Use of e-Cigarettes and Subsequent Cigarette Smoking Among Adolescents and Young Adults
Designing a Health-Game Intervention Supporting Health Literacy and a Tobacco-Free Life in Early Adolescence
Cascades of emotional support in friendship networks and adolescent smoking
The association between personal income and smoking among adolescents: a study in six European cities
A randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention to reduce children’s exposure to secondhand smoke in the home
Parental Monitoring Moderates the Relation Between Radio Exposure and Adolescent Alcohol and Tobacco Use
Predictors of smoking among primary and secondary school students in Botswana
Lack of Preventive Health Behaviors in the Early Forties: The Role of Earlier Trajectories of Cigarette Smoking From Adolescence to Adulthood
Risk factors associated with tobacco, alcohol and drug use among adolescents attending secondary school in three cities from Argentina
Counteracting the Influence of Peer Smoking on YouTube.
Recommendations on behavioural interventions for the prevention and treatment of cigarette smoking among school-aged children and youth
Waterpipe tobacco smoking prevalence and illegal underage use in waterpipe-serving premises: a cross-sectional analysis among schoolchildren in Stoke-on-Trent
Scheme’s success at stopping mums-to-be smoking
Beyond experimentation: Five trajectories of cigarette smoking in a longitudinal sample of youth
Cross-sectional study examining the prevalence, correlates and sequencing of electronic cigarette and tobacco use among 11–16-year olds in schools in Wales
E-cigarettes attract low risk adolescents to smoking, say researchers
Cohort study investigating the effects of first stage of the English tobacco point-of-sale display ban on awareness, susceptibility and smoking uptake among adolescents
Parents’ and peers’ normative influence on adolescents’ smoking: results from a Swiss-Italian sample of middle schools students
Using e-cigarettes in the home to reduce smoking and secondhand smoke: disadvantaged parents' accounts
Cigarette Smoking and Respiratory System Diseases in Adolescents
Impact of The Real Cost Campaign on Adolescents’ Recall, Attitudes, and Risk Perceptions about Tobacco Use
Electronic cigarette use and uptake of cigarette smoking: A longitudinal examination of U.S. college students
Assessment of pain in adolescents: Influence of gender, smoking status and tobacco abstinence
Factors associated with electronic cigarette use among current cigarette-smoking adolescents in the Republic of Korea
Children and cannabis use : Their mothers and smoking when pregnant
"Adolescent Cigarette Smoking Perceptions and Behavior: Tobacco Control Gains and Gaps Amidst the Rapidly Expanding Tobacco Products Market From 2001 to 2015"
Impact of non-menthol flavours in tobacco products (e-cigarette) on perceptions and use among youth, young adults and adults
Australia's plain tobacco packs: anticipated and actual responses among adolescents and young adults
Flavored Electronic Cigarette Use and Smoking Among Youth
Teenage vapers and taking up smoking
Public health benefits from pictorial health warnings on US cigarette packs: a SimSmoke simulation
The Great Recession, adolescent smoking and smoking inequalities: What role does youth unemployment play in 24 European countries?
Smoking in Movies and Adolescent Smoking Initiation: A Longitudinal Study among Argentinian Adolescents
Teenagers influenced by video games with alcohol and smoking content
How Is the Effect of Adolescent E-Cigarette Use on Smoking Onset Mediated
Youth Receptivity to FDA’s The Real Cost Tobacco Prevention Campaign: Evidence From Message Pretesting
Long-term effectiveness of a combined student–parent and a student-only smoking prevention intervention among 7th grade school children in Berlin
The effect of prenatal smoking exposure on daily smoking among teenage offspring
Childhood cognitive ability and smoking initiation, relapse and cessation throughout adulthood
Current and former smokers’ use of electronic cigarettes for quitting smoking: An exploratory study of adolescents and young adults
Ever-Use and Curiosity About Cigarettes, Cigars, Smokeless Tobacco, and Electronic Cigarettes Among US Middle and High School Students
Association between high school students’ cigarette smoking, asthma and related beliefs
Current Cigarette Smoking, Access, and Purchases from Retail Outlets Among Students Aged 13–15 Years — Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 45 Countries, 2013 and 2014
Age of smoking initiation among adolescents in Africa
Electronic Cigarette Smoking Increases Aortic Stiffness and Blood Pressure in Young Smokers
Dyskinesia in an unmedicated adolescent with a 5-year history of tobacco use
Socioeconomic differences in adolescents’ smoking: a comparison between Finland and Beijing, China
Electronic Cigarette Use Among High School Students and Its Association With Cigarette Use And Smoking Cessation, North Carolina Youth Tobacco Surveys, 2011 and 2013
Jayapura Teenagers Smoking Behavior
Are recent attempts to quit smoking associated with reduced drinking in England?
E-cigarettes, Cigarettes, and the Prevalence of Adolescent Tobacco Use ... and ... More Nonsmoking Teens Inhaling Flavored Nicotine Through Vaping
Do stronger school smoking policies make a difference? Analysis of the health behaviour in school-aged children survey
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