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- 15-03 The effect of an egg breakfast on satiety in children and adolescents
- 15-03 A practical approach to vitamin and mineral supplementation in food allergic children
- 15-03 Evaluating the relationship between plasma and skin carotenoids and reported dietary intake in elementary school children to assess fruit and vegetable intake.
- 15-03 Creating action plans in a serious video game increases and maintains child fruit-vegetable intake
- 15-03 Strategies used by parents to influence their children's food preferences
- 15-03 A Comparison of Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, and Desserts in the Packed Lunches of Elementary School Children.
- 15-03 Intervention effects on dietary intake among children by maternal education level
- 15-03 Increasing Child Fruit and Vegetable Intake: Findings from the US Department of Agriculture Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
- 15-03 Butter Tolerance in Children Allergic to Cow's Milk
- 15-03 Associations between Yogurt, Dairy, Calcium, and Vitamin D Intake and Obesity among U.S. Children Aged 8–18 Years
- 15-03 Discordance in risk perception between children, parents, and teachers in terms of consumption of cheap and poorly nutritious food sold around schools
- 15-03 The influence of hot and cool executive function on the development of eating styles related to overweight in children
- 15-03 Passive Commuting and Dietary Intake in Fourth and Fifth Grade Students
- 15-03 Great Taste, Less Waste: A cluster-randomized trial using a communications campaign to improve the quality of foods brought from home to school by elementary school children
- 15-03 Convenience and the hierarchy of meal preparation. Cooking and domestic education in the Netherlands, 1910–1930
- 15-03 Associations between commercial complementary food consumption and fruit and vegetable intake in children. Results of the DONALD study
- 15-03 Child-Directed Marketing Inside and on the Exterior of Fast Food Restaurants
- 15-02 Teaching approaches and strategies that promote healthy eating in primary school children: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- 15-02 Predictors of meeting physical activity and fruit and vegetable recommendations in 9–11-year-old children
- 15-02 Eating peanut products as a baby dramatically cuts the risk of allergy, a study suggests
- 15-02 Potential Effect of Physical Activity Calorie Equivalent Labeling on Parent Fast Food Decisions
- 15-02 Developing policies to restrict food marketing to children: A regional nutrient profile model from the WHO
- 15-02 Leeds Edible Schools Sustainability Network (p.42)
- 15-01 Children and local food
- 15-01 Socioeconomic gradient in consumption of whole fruit and 100% fruit juice among US children and adults
- 15-01 Do eating disorders in parents predict eating disorders in children? Evidence from a Swedish cohort
- 15-01 Do schools in Quebec foster healthy eating?
- 15-01 Vitamin A-fortified cooking oil reduces vitamin A deficiency in infants, young children and women: results from a programme evaluation in Indonesia
- 15-01 The role of eating frequency on total energy intake and diet quality in a low-income, racially diverse sample of schoolchildren
- 15-01 Lessons learned from the development of a school age food allergy education program
- 15-01 Diet and childhood asthma: review
- 15-01 Differential Improvements in Student Fruit and Vegetable Selection and Consumption in Response to the New National School Lunch Program Regulations
- 15-01 A Water Availability Intervention in New York City Public Schools: Influence on Youths’ Water and Milk Behaviors
- 15-01 Eww she sneezed! Contamination context affects children's food preferences and consumption
- 15-01 Improving Children’s Menus in Community Restaurants: Best Food for Families, Infants, and Toddlers (Best Food FITS) Intervention, South Central Texas
- 15-01 ‘It’s just so much waste.’ A qualitative investigation of food waste in a universal free School Breakfast Program
- 15-01 Effect of the Dutch school-based education programme ‘Taste Lessons’ on behavioural determinants of taste acceptance and healthy eating
- 15-01 Passive Commuting and Dietary Intake in Fourth and Fifth Grade Students
- 15-01 Healthy Kids Out of School: Using Mixed Methods to Develop Principles for Promoting Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in Out-of-School Settings in the United States
- 15-01 An ecological study of food desert prevalence and 4th grade academic achievement in New York state school districts.
- 14-12 Fast Food Consumption and Academic Growth in Late Childhood
- 14-12 The role and impact of student leadership on participants in a healthy eating and physical activity programme
- 14-12 Food marketing and children's dietary preferences: Literature update
- 14-12 US school lunches may be better than lunch packed at home
- 14-12 Nutrition and Health of Schoolchildren in the UK : British Nutrition Foundation
- 14-12 Study of induction of Tolerance to Oral Peanut : desensitisation using peanut oral immunotherapy
- 14-12 Links to research about water and children : Natural Hydration Council
- 14-10 Food poverty sees disadvantaged London children go hungry
- 14-10 Parents' choices in providing children's packed lunches
- 14-10 School gardens limited in improving children’s fruit and veg intake