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- 18-02 Positive Impacts of a Vegetable Cooking Skills Program among Low-Income Parents and Children
- 18-02 Nutrition Knowledge, Attitudes, and Fruit and Vegetable Intake as Predictors of Head Start Teachers' Classroom Mealtime Behaviors
- 18-02 “That’s his choice not mine!” Parents’ perspectives on providing a packed lunch for their children in primary school
- 18-02 Evaluation of universal infant free school meals (Education Policy Institute)
- 18-01 Sources of Added Sugars in Young Children, Adolescents, and Adults with Low and High Intakes of Added Sugars
- 18-01 Do mothers affect daughter’s behaviors? Diet, physical activity, and sedentary behaviors in Kuwaiti mother–daughter dyads
- 18-01 Effectiveness of behavioral interventions to reduce the intake of sugar-sweetened beverages in children and adolescents
- 17-12 Children and young people’s perceptions of energy drinks
- 17-11 The tween television diet: a content analysis of US tween program food references
- 17-11 School Gardens: A Qualitative Study on Implementation Practices
- 17-11 Battle of plates: a pilot study of an approach-avoidance training for overweight children and adolescents.
- 17-11 Adherence to the Mediterranean diet in a Sicilian student population.
- 17-11 Trends in Beverage Consumption in the US Among Children and Adults, 2003-2014.
- 17-11 Behavioral Associations with Overweight in Low-Income Children
- 17-10 Changes in Dietary Patterns from Childhood to Adolescence and Associated Body Adiposity Status
- 17-10 Assessing parents’ receptiveness to a vegetable-focussed in-school nutrition intervention
- 17-10 Food marketing with movie character toys: Effects on young children's preferences for unhealthy and healthier fast food meals
- 17-10 Children's purchase behavior in the snack market: Can branding or lower prices motivate healthier choices?
- 17-10 Promoting healthier children's meals at quick-service and full-service restaurants
- 17-10 The rural school meal in Ecuador as a site for learning about food
- 17-10 What determines the fruit and vegetables intake of primary school children? - An analysis of personal and social determinants
- 17-10 Visual exposure and categorization performance positively influence 3- to 6-year-old children's willingness to taste unfamiliar vegetables
- 17-10 Salad bar selection patterns of elementary school children
- 17-10 Feasibility and reliability of digital imaging for estimating food selection and consumption from students’ packed lunches
- 17-10 Optimal timing of exercise for influencing energy intake in children during school lunch
- 17-09 Contrasting Approaches to Food Education and School Meals
- 17-09 Mothers’ self-reported grocery shopping behaviours with their 2- to 7-year-old children: relationship between feeding practices and mothers’ willingness to purchase child-requested nutrient-poor, marketed foods, and fruits and vegetables
- 17-09 Tracking Dietary Patterns over 20 Years from Childhood through Adolescence into Young Adulthood
- 17-08 Placing snacks in children's movies: cognitive, evaluative, and conative effects of product placements with character product interaction
- 17-07 Child and parent perspectives on healthier side dishes and beverages in restaurant kids’ meals
- 17-07 Regional survey supports national initiative for ‘water-only’ schools in New Zealand
- 17-07 Restaurant placemats can help promote healthy eating among children
- 17-07 Feeding styles, parenting styles and snacking behaviour in children attending primary schools in multiethnic neighbourhoods
- 17-07 Associations Between Pedometer-Determined Physical Activity and Adiposity in Children and Adolescent: Systematic Review
- 17-07 A History of Cow’s Milk Allergy Is Associated with Lower Vitamin D Status in Schoolchildren
- 17-06 Associations between selected dietary behaviours and academic achievement: A study of Australian school aged children
- 17-06 Class and eating: Family meals in Britain
- 17-06 Seeing is doing. The implicit effect of TV cooking shows on children's use of ingredients
- 17-06 The rural school meal as a site for learning about food
- 17-06 The impact of front-of-pack marketing attributes versus nutrition and health information on parents' food choices
- 17-06 From the children's perspective: What are candy, snacks, and meals?
- 17-06 Association between childcare educators’ practices and preschoolers’ physical activity and dietary intake
- 17-06 Fruit Juice in Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Current Recommendations
- 17-06 The Association between Parent Diet Quality and Child Dietary Patterns in Nine- to Eleven-Year-Old Children from Dunedin, New Zealand
- 17-06 Water and beverage consumption patterns among 4 to 13-year-old children in the United Kingdom
- 17-05 Farm Fresh Foods for Healthy Kids : An innovative community supported agriculture intervention to prevent childhood obesity in low-income families and strengthen local agricultural economies
- 17-05 Impact of bottle size on in-home consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages
- 17-05 Assessing junk food consumption among Australian children
- 17-05 Child-targeted fast-food television advertising exposure is linked with fast-food intake among pre-school children
- 17-05 The effectiveness of asking behaviors among 9–11 year-old children in increasing home availability and children’s intake of fruit and vegetables