Education and Health journal

Education & Health - 2007, 25:1

Derwentside College Health Promotion Strategy (132kb pdf):
A whole college approach to promoting health
Kim McGarry et al.

Adolescent attitudes towards gambling:
Some preliminary findings
Martin Buczkiewicz et al.

The ‘Learning to Enjoy Activity with Friends' programme
Evaluation of an Australian extra-curricular school sport programme designed to promote lifetime physical activity for adolescents.
David Lubans and Philip Morgan

Education & Health - 2006, 24:4

Healthy Lifestyles, Changing Lives (PDF)
PSHE in a London borough: Healthy Lifestyles week at an infant and nursery school.
Leila Harris

Kirklees Healthy College Standard (64kb pdf)
Description of the KHCS and a draft programme of the first national Healthy Colleges conference February 27th 2007.
Kate Birch

Education & Health - 2006, 24:3

'Planned' teenage pregnancy: Views and experiences of young people
The Government's attempts to reduce the UK's high teenage pregnancy rate have largely focused on 'unplanned' accidental teenage pregnancies, due to a lack of research and knowledge about teenagers who 'plan' their pregnancies. By providing detailed information on motivations for 'planned' pregnancy, this report adds new knowledge to the field of teenage pregnancy. A key conclusion to draw is from this research is that 'planned' pregnancies, among even young teenagers, do exist in the UK.

Education & Health - 2006, 24:2

Lessons in life: Why I'm teaching happiness (80kb pdf)
Wellington College has been developing a pioneering programme with Dr Nick Baylis, of the University of Cambridge, and it will be brought into the curriculum in the 2006 academic year as a new element of PSHE lessons.
Anthony Seldon

Education & Health - 2006, 24:1

Moorefit - increasing physical activity in adolescent girls using the Health Promoting Schools framework
Changes in the environment and the curriculum supported enjoyable, informal, non-competitive physical activities in a mainly non-English speaking girls' high school in Australia.
Yona Cass and Polly Price

Education & Health - 2005, 23:4

Liverpool Sporting Playgrounds Project The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the initial findings from the project to date and discuss baseline measures of physical activity, gender issues and school approaches to developing health promoting playgrounds. Nicola D. Ridgers, Gareth Stratton, John Curley & Gary White How parents and teachers can help young people with challenging behaviour (80kb pdf) Louisa has had a very varied teaching career and is currently teaching, training and writing.

Education & Health - 2005, 23:3

Attitudes towards breastfeeding among young people in Wigan
The group least positive were the older females and this must be an unhappy trend for those who want to promote breastfeeding. Rather than blandly recommending more work in schools, we would prefer to urge people to examine the barriers to including breastfeeding promotion work in school and other settings.
Rona Cruickshank and David Regis

Education & Health - 2005 - 23:2

Blueprint National Drug Education Research Programme : an update
The Blueprint Drug Education Research Programme was set up to ensure that future drug education policy was based on tested and tried evidence developed in England.
Ruth Joyce

Education & Health - 2005, 23:1

Issue 23:1

Girls and Physical Activities : a summary review
How active are girls? What influences their physical activities? What can we do?
Richard Bailey, Ian Wellard and Harriet Dismore

E-mentoring in schools : a brief review
E-mentoring has several advantages over traditional face to face mentoring, but it also poses unique challenges to relationship development and maintenance.
Mark Griffiths and Hugh Miller


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