Education and Health journal

Education & Health - 2009, 27:1

Online computer gaming: Advice for parents and teachers (PDF)
Mark Griffiths

Young men and pornography: Meeting the challenge through Sex and Relationships Education
Mark Limmer

Moral reasoning development and classroom discipline
Paul A. Aleixo and Claire E. Norris

Talk2YourTeen magazine: part of a campaign in response to findings of a sex and relationships survey (PDF)
Christine Oker

Education & Health - 2008, 26:2

Youth gambling education and prevention: Does it work? (PDF)
Mark Griffiths

How to Drug Proof Your Kids (PDF)
Paula Pridham

Achieving ‘high quality’ physical education (PDF)
Lorraine Cale and Rebecca Duncombe

Bexley schools success: 100% achieve National Healthy School Status
Tricia Oates

Education & Health - 2008, 26:1

Guernsey's Top Class Teenagers and the Press [PDF}
Alun Williams, Yvonne Le Page and Ann Battye

Doncaster College’s drop-in sexual health service [PDF}
Zena Jones

Developing an interagency approach: providing specialist support in schools [PDF}
Leila Harris

On-site sexual health services in further education are the norm
Lucy Emmerson

Education & Health - 2007, 25:4

School Health Education in Greek secondary schools: Searching for a place in the National Curriculum (211kb pdf)
Pelagia Soultatou

Comics, Reading and Primary Aged Children (190kb pdf)
Paul Aleixo and Claire Norris

Stockport College: Development of a Healthy College Standard
Pat Ahern

Education and Health - FE special issue

Download complete issue (200kb PDF) Education & Health - Healthy Colleges Special Issue October 2007

Education & Health - 2007, 25:3

The Physical Activity Signposting Scheme (PASS): The A-CLASS project (PDF)
Jackie Hepples and Gareth Stratton

Leicestershire Healthy Schools Programme (PDF)
Additional material from Jane Roberts

Blood glucose level and the consolidation of learning (105kb pdf)
Neil Morris

Info Outreach - Health promotion in Welsh schools
Jerry O’Keeffe

Education & Health - 2007, 25:2

Adolescent Internet gambling: Preliminary results of a national survey
Mark Griffiths and Richard Wood

National 'Health Colleges' Conference Report: Executive Summary (118kb pdf)
Madeleine Savage

How to help your life go well : Cambridge University one-day workshops
Nick Baylis


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