Education and Health journal

Education & Health - 2010, 28:4

'Ur Choice' : an innovative approach to relationships and sex education (pdf)
Kate McIver

Age ratings on video games: Are they effective? (pdf)
Mark D. Griffiths

Experiences and expectations for school food; research conducted as part of the ‘Eat Well Do Well’ scheme in Kingston-upon-Hull
Lisa Gatenby

The Comic Book Textbook (pdf)
Paul Aleixo and Claire Norris

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Education & Health - 2010, 28:3

A drugs and alcohol awareness programme developed, with 12-13 year olds, by the SW Ambulance Service
Emma Marks

Health Buddies in Schools: a Peer Led Sexual Health and Relationships Education Project in two Dundee Secondary Schools (PDF)
Sara Beveridge and Celeste Thomson

The role of parents in the development of gambling behaviour in adolescents (PDF)
Mark D. Griffiths

Young People into 2010

Education & Health - 2010, 28:2

An analysis of the drinking trends of school age children in Sunderland (PDF)
Alison McInnes and David Blackwell

Collaborative working between colleges and health in Kirklees (PDF)
Kate Birch

Cut Films: challenging young people to make films to help discourage their peers from taking up smoking
Lucinda Shaw

Lincoln College: promoting health with young men
Barbra Plunkett

Education & Health - 2010, 28:1

Media and advertising influences on adolescent risk behaviour (PDF)
Mark D. Griffiths

Teach Your Children Well
Michael Rich

Street-wise? Substance use in town and country as reported by young people (PDF)
David Regis

Homophobic Bullying in Irish Education
James O'Higgins-Norman

Education & Health - 2009, 27:4

Healthy Schools Pupil Panel - voices for change
Jacqui Kearney
Ensuring robust and meaningful consultation with young people is never easy! Time and again young people tell adults they want to have a say in the health services that are developed for them, and they want to be part of the evaluation.

The sexual child - researching teachers' experiences
Margarita Gerouki
School-based sex education programs can have a positive impact on pupils' health and well-being.

Education & Health - 2009, 27:3

Discussing Lifestyle Behaviours with Obese Children (PDF)
Jennifer R. Hester, Jim McKenna and Paul J. Gately

Developing a Successful Physical Activity Intervention in Primary Schools
Hannah Smith, Sarah Grogan, Rachel Davey and Tom Cochrane

Social Norms and health promotion (PDF)
David Regis

Education & Health - 2009, 27:2

“Sex, love and one-night stands: getting the relationship you want” : Evaluation of a sexual health workshop for HIV+ young people
Tomás Campbell, Hannah Beer, Rebecca Wilkins, Neil Parrett and Linus Jauslin

Adolescent gambling-like experiences: Are they a cause for concern? (PDF)
Mark Griffiths, Daniel King and Paul Delfabbro

The Young Leaders project: UK sexual health project of the year
Gareth Davies


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