Angela Balding and David Regis. 2014. Young People into 2014 : The health related behaviour questionnaire results. Education and Health32(4),141-144. PDF
Joan Wharf Higgins, PJ Naylor, Kai Bellows Riecken, Sandra Gibbons, Ryan Rhodes, Lauren Sulz and Heather McKay. 2014. One, Two, Three Strikes and You’re Out? Examining Youth Physical Activity in the Context of the Health Promoting Secondary Schools Model and Teacher Job Action. Education and Health32(3),110-117. PDF
Emma George, Edoardo Rosso, Katherine Burnard and Ellie Drew. 2014. “Spark Awareness, Brighten Futures”: Raising aspirations to tertiary education in disadvantaged communities through sport. Education and Health32(3),80-84. PDF
Shirley A Horton. 2014. Forty years of change : developments in health education in schools and future challenges. Education and Health32(4),120-124. PDF