Jennie Aronsson, Sue Waite and Maria Tighe Clark. 2015. Measuring the impact of outdoor learning on the physical activity of school age children: The use of accelerometry. Education and Health33(3),57-62. PDF
Joan Wharf Higgins, PJ Naylor, Kai Bellows Riecken, Sandra Gibbons, Ryan Rhodes, Lauren Sulz and Heather McKay. 2014. One, Two, Three Strikes and You’re Out? Examining Youth Physical Activity in the Context of the Health Promoting Secondary Schools Model and Teacher Job Action. Education and Health32(3),110-117. PDF
Heather Gage, Anastasia Snelling and Peter Williams. 2014. Self-reported health and health behaviours of women students in an English and an American University: an explorative study. Education and Health32(3),103-109. PDF
Emma George, Edoardo Rosso, Katherine Burnard and Ellie Drew. 2014. “Spark Awareness, Brighten Futures”: Raising aspirations to tertiary education in disadvantaged communities through sport. Education and Health32(3),80-84. PDF
Joanne Trigwell, Ciara McGee, Helen Casstles, Rebecca Murphy, Lorna Porcellato, Michael Ussher and Lawrence Foweather. 2014. Preventing smoking among nine to ten-year-old children using a novel school-based physical activity intervention: Overview of SmokeFree Sports. Education and Health32(3),93-102. PDF
Carla Habib-Mourad, Helen Moore, Maya Nabhani Zeidan, Nahla Hwalla and Carolyn Summerbell. 2014. Health-E-PALS: promoting Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in Lebanese school children - Intervention development. Education and Health32(1),3-8. PDF
Paul Gately, Claire Curtis and Rachel Hardaker. 2013. An evaluation in UK schools of a classroom-based physical activity programme - TAKE 10! ®: A qualitative analysis of the teachers' perspective. Education and Health31(4),72-78. PDF
Michal Tombs, Kimberley Johnson and Philip J. Tyson. 2013. The benefits of physical activity for cognitive functioning in a student population. Education and Health31(3),84-90. PDF
Elisa J. Sobo. 2013. High physical activity levels in a Waldorf school reflect alternative developmental understandings. Education and Health31(1),26-30. PDF