"It's good to talk with you again - we used so much of those data and did so much with it in schools - we really got the place buzzing!"
Free SHEU reports about young people's health-related behaviour
Free SHEU reports about young people's health-related behaviour
The Schools Health Education Unit (SHEU) have provided free access to a number of their 'Young People' reports.
A unique contemporary archive, the 'Young People' reports (2000-2008) provide answers to over 100 health-related behaviour questions. Data have been collected from surveys in primary and secondary schools across the United Kingdom involving nearly 290,000 pupils.
Annually since 1986, SHEU (an independent research unit based in Exeter) has published the collected Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire results.
SHEU's data banks are a unique resource that are consulted by a wide range of groups and individuals including Local Authorities, Health Authorities, Government Offices, University departments, schools, teachers and other interested individuals.
Follow this link for the Young People reports