"...As a result of taking part (in a SHEU survey) and using the evidence provided we were able to offer more support for students which had a direct impact on improved attendance and outcomes ... Completing the survey every two years grew in importance year on year, with the final cycle having a major impact on our SDP, PHSE curriculum, Ofsted outcomes and governor understanding ..." Deputy Head Secondary School
For more details and free resources follow this link
Hello again - first batch in 2014 [ approx. 80 links ] of research links about 5-11 year olds health and wellbeing.
This is a free resource that is updated and emailed to you - join the email list |
The Schools Health Education Unit [SHEU] is an independent research unit that has been working with young people and with education and health professionals since 1977. We have developed expertise in providing reliable baseline data for local needs assessment to inform plans in health, education and care. We work with Public Health and Children’s Services across the UK. Millions of questions have been answered by youngsters. The resulting databanks provide a unique historical and contemporary archive of young people.
#SHEUres links to research about Exercise Sport Physical Activity PE and 5-11, 11-16 and 16plus year olds
Follow this link to the Exercise Research Archive
PLUS link to ...
SHEU Literature search: Physical Activity and Academic Achievement (updated)
SRE - Not yet good enough: Can scripts bridge the training gap? is a new artilce in the latest issue of the Education and Health journal
PLUS follow this link to research about C&YP SRE RSE
The latest issue of the Education and Health journal has 3 articles from
Leila Harris, Glyn Owen, Tim Baker and Nicholas Shelley
about food and healthy eating in primary schools
PLUS get links to research about children and young people and food
#Education #Health online open access journal latest issue December out now Articles about C&YP H&WB
Articles from the Education and Health journal latest issue 31:4
An evaluation in UK schools of a classroom-based physical activity programme - TAKE 10! ®: A qualitative analysis of the teachers' perspective
SHAHRP: School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project Developments in Australia and the UK
Adolescent gambling via social networking sites: A brief overview
Food for thought
Charlton Manor’s Food Journey
Teaching cooking at Ashton Vale Primary
The Schools Health Education Unit have a 145 page pdf for your school library use that includes:
Answers, from over 68000 10-15 year olds, to questions about a range of their health-related lifestyle behaviours
Bookmarks to each section with
Links to each page with
External links to relevant websites about young people's health and wellbeing
There is also the facility to print the black and white publication.
Cost £20 - see example pages
#SHEUres latest links to research about 16+ yr olds health&wellbeing
Presentations from the Conference (some about young people)
Australia and New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders (ANZAED) Conference. Inspiring Change: Person and Context
Published by the Journal of Eating Disorders