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My Life, My View 2020 - Pupil Privacy Notice (video)

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World mental health day: an annual cycle in pupils’ self-esteem? #WorldMentalHealthDay

For World Mental Health Day 2019, SHEU offer this preview of a finding from their forthcoming report, Emotional Wellbeing in Young People into 2019, to be released later this year.

Self harm, sexual orientation and transgender

Year 10 students in 6 LAs, 2018

If you are worried or upset, which of these things do you (ever) do? Cut or hurt yourself (myself)

Impact factor

Received this morning:

Astrology, aspirin and your heart

One of many things to warm to from Richard Peto's appearance on The Life Scientific (the programme radio with the title odd)...


...was a re-telling of his argument with The Lancet when publishing findings about the beneficial effects of aspirin and other drugs in heart attack patients.  Huge trial, uncontrovertible results, practical implications: great stuff:


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