

This is a test page for exploring colour schemes kinder to people with colour vision anomalies.


Online seminar

We have always thought that it's important to help teachers think through the process of conducting a survey in their schools, but we recognise that time is ever in shorter supply and that attending a meeting is not always convenient for teachers.

Schools taking part in our surveys are now able to attend a virtual seminar on our website. We can also support a drop-in online question-and-answer session which will be hosted on this page.

Parent/carer email about postcodes

What precautions do you take to make sure an individual cannot be identified from their postcode?

There are general precautions about the security of our servers which I am sure every good business would adopt, but we make a special effort with postcodes.

I don't know if your child competed the survey online or on paper - the account to be given in each case is slightly different.

Online, the postcodes are encrypted using GnuPG when storing, and downloaded with the encryption intact (screenshot). 


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