
Goldilocks is online

Update June 2019: I turned this blog post into an article, which is a bit more up to date:

I was particularly interested to hear the exchanges on a BBC programme:


School Self-Evaluation Surveys

The SEF is no longer officially required but some schools are still using the SEF and SHEU will continue to offer schools a Self-Evaluation report

The climate in which schools operate is of course always changing, and some of the changes from the last Government include:sef_1.jpg

* The new OFSTED framework for inspection

Lifestyle surveys

SHEU is perhaps best known for its lifestyle surveys, available on paper and online, which cover a wide range of topics related to health and well-being.


SHEU have been doing survey work with schools, public health and local authorities for over 30 years. What sort of survey are you interested in?

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