"Many thanks for a major contribution to the health of children in the UK and elsewhere over many years and putting in place the continuation of the Unit." Tribute from a Director of Public Health to John Balding, presented at his retirement lunch, May 2005
Education and Health journal - free articles
This page has been retained for continuity, but the whole archive of articles has been put online, with PDFs to download:
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An analysis of the drinking trends of school age children in Sunderland. 2010.28.2 (170kb pdf)
Collaborative working between colleges and health in Kirklees. 2010.28.2 (110kb pdf)
Street-wise? Substance use in town and country as reported by young people. 2010.28.1 (150kb pdf)
Media and advertising influences on adolescent risk behaviour. 2010.28.1 (190kb pdf)
Experiences of young people with different sexual or gender identity. 2009.27.4 (175kb pdf)
The school as a location for the promotion and support of mental health. 2009.27.3 (145kb pdf)
Social Norms and health promotion. 2009.27.3 (146kb pdf)
Discussing Lifestyle Behaviours with Obese Children. 2009.27.3 (185kb pdf)
Adolescent gambling-like experiences: Are they a cause for concern? 2009.27.2 (175kb pdf)
Personal, social, and health education in changing times; a view from Ofsted. 2009.27.2 (120kb pdf)
Drug testing in Australian schools: evidence, impacts and alternatives. 2009.27.2 (120kb pdf)
Online computer gaming: Advice for parents and teachers. 2009.27.1 (165kb pdf)
Social Anxiety and its affect on students, 2008. FE (110kb pdf)
Measurement of activity preferences of preschoolers and caregivers 2008.26.4 (165kb pdf)
Addressing Government Targets with Healthy Lunchboxes 2008.26.3 (135kb pdf)
Ten key facts that teachers need to know about cannabis 2008.26.3 (133kb pdf)
Social Anxiety: The elephant in your classroom? 2008.26.3 (139kb pdf)
How to Drug Proof Your Kids, 2008.26.2 (128kb pdf)
Achieving ‘high quality’ physical education, 2008.26.2 (112kb pdf)
PSHE at Dorothy Stringer School 2008.26.2 (77kb pdf)
Guernsey's Top Class Teenagers and the Press, 2008.26.1 (150kb pdf)
Doncaster Colleges's drop-in sexual health service, 2008.26.1 (93kb pdf)
College on-site sexual health services in further education are the norm, 2008.26.1 (97kb pdf)
Lime and their alcohol education resource, 2008.26.1 (110kb pdf)
Mental Health in Colleges, 2007. FE. (190kb pdf)
Online gaming and synthetic worlds as a medium for classroom learning, 2007.25.4 (201kb pdf)
Comics, Reading and Primary Aged Children, 2007.25.4 (190kb pdf)
City of Sunderland College positive practice, 2007.25.3 (110kb pdf)
Blood glucose level and the consolidation of learning, 2007.25.3 (105kb pdf)
Educational use of computer games, 2007. 25,2 (101kb pdf)
Samaritans: Young People, emotional wellbeing and the DEAL resource, 2007. 25,2 (162kb pdf)
National 'Health Colleges' Conference Report: Executive Summary, 2007. 25,2 (118kb pdf)
Peer Education: Development of the ‘Norfolk Blurb’ website for young people, 2007. 25,1 (116kb pdf)
Derwentside College Health Promotion Strategy, 2007. 25,1 (132kb pdf)
Kirklees Healthy College Standard, 2006. 24,4 (64kb pdf)
Healthy Student News Digest, 2006. 24,4
It’s Child’s Play: Advergaming and the Online Marketing of Food to Children, 2006. 24, 3 (81kb pdf)
Cyberbullying, 2006, 24, 3 (52kb pdf)
Young People's health and... June '06 findings from the Internet, 2006,24,2 (65kb pdf)
Lessons in life: Why I'm teaching happiness, 2006,24,2 (80kb pdf)
Liverpool ‘health mates’, 2006,24,2, (56kb pdf)
From Borstal kid to author to trainer in anger management, 2006,24,1 (59kb pdf)
Staying Alive - project overview, 2006, 24,1, (89kb pdf)
The Body Image Project, O'Byrne, J., 2005,23,4,61. (64kb pdf)
Mental health: Fun on their minds, Hillier, A., 2005,23,4,56. (73kb pdf)
Airedale Back Care for Children (ABC) Programme, Cook, D., et al. 2005,23,3,40. (64 kb pdf)
Great Yarmouth Young Men's Project, Osborne, M., 2005,23,1,9. (66kb pdf)
STDs.com: Sexuality Education Online, Keller,S.,N., 2005,23,1,10-11. (91kb pdf)
Helping primary school children manage loss and grief, Milton, J., 2004,22,4, 58-60. (106kb pdf)
Water in schools, Balding, A., 2004, 22,2,28-31. (120kb pdf)
My day as a school nurse, Maunder,Y., 2004, 22,1, 8-10. (90kb pdf)
TRENDS: Young people's worries, (1991-2003) 2004,22,1,16 (72kb pdf)
Videogames: Advice for parents and teachers, Griffiths, M., 2003,21,3,48-49. (94kb pdf)
Emotional health and well-being, 2003,21,4,67
Drug education linked to drug use, 2003,21,3,56
The educational benefits of videogames, Griffiths, M., 2002,20,3,47-51. (116kb pdf)
Pupils get 'Fit to Succeed', Balding, A., 2001,19,4,17-19 (183kb pdf)
Can schools afford not to have a counsellor, Feest, G., 2000,18,1,3-5. (78kb pdf)