
Online survey: clear, friendly, responsive

Responses from questionnaires are stored in our databanks

Pupils and students can still complete on paper, if you prefer

Questionnaires are fetched by secure courier and logged in the SHEU offices

Questions are composed collaboratively with clients and designed with the pupils and students in mind

Greater Manchester CTZN project

Project CTZN is a programme about safer relationships for young people led by Greater Manchester Police and funded by the Home Office.

The core of the CTZN programme is a mobile-based, digital platform (app), which will be the foundation of a social network created by and for young people. See

SHEU is supporting the administration of the project, in particular the Year 10 survey.

Letters and leaflets about the project are linked below.

Contact us: /contact

Can we trust the results?

No-one can guarantee that every answer given by every respondent in a survey is completely accurate and honest.  However, we can go a long way to improving our confidence in the figures by taking care over each aspect of the process:

Survey databases

We can supply databases of survey responses from a study.  We would need to understand your requirements for (1) database format and (2) file transfer.

Let us know in advance what you would like, and we can rehearse!

(1) Database format

We normally keep our data sets as SPSS system files, which are compact and nicely labelled.

Screenshot 2014-09-16 11.22.26.png

Parent/carer email about postcodes

What precautions do you take to make sure an individual cannot be identified from their postcode?

There are general precautions about the security of our servers which I am sure every good business would adopt, but we make a special effort with postcodes.

I don't know if your child competed the survey online or on paper - the account to be given in each case is slightly different.

Online, the postcodes are encrypted using GnuPG when storing, and downloaded with the encryption intact (screenshot). 

SHEU paper and online questionnaires for young people


Paper and online surveys completed by pupils in schools.
Do the same questions perform differently?


SHEU and authorities

SHEU work with survey commissioners across England

We provide local data about young people




Since 1977 - 37 years of Children and Young People Surveys

Nationally-recognised as the specialist provider of reliable local survey data about young people's health and wellbeing

Local SHEU survey results balance newspaper anecdotes

A school, involved with the Health-Related Behaviour Questionnaire (HRBQ) from the Schools Health Education Unit (SHEU), have been able to reassure their pupils, staff, parents and governors following a recent media report.

A newspaper article reported on anxiety-related disorders that can affect teenage girls. Using hard data from their own HRBQ, the school could compare their results with a wider sample.


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