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- 13-10 Cybervictimization and body esteem: Experiences of Swedish children and adolescents
- 13-10 Does neighbourhood count in affecting children's journeys to schools?
- 13-10 Ostracism in childhood and adolescence: Emotional, cognitive, and behavioral effects of social exclusion
- 13-10 Israeli Mothers’ Willingness to Use Corporal Punishment to Correct the Misbehavior of Their Elementary School Children
- 13-10 Boys’ Perceptions of Singing: A Review of the Literature
- 13-05 Ridicule and being laughed at in the family: Gelotophobia, gelotophilia, and katagelasticism in young children and their parents
- 13-05 Only Kids Who Are Fools Would Do That!: Peer Social Norms Influence Children’s Risk-Taking Decisions
- 13-05 Prosocial peer affiliation suppresses genetic influences on non-aggressive antisocial behaviors during childhood
- 13-05 Boys will be boys in the US but not in Asia
- 13-05 Community and child energy balance: differential associations between neighborhood environment and overweight risk by gender
- 13-05 Factors Associated With Screen Time Among School-Age Children in Korea
- 13-05 The role of honesty and benevolence in children’s judgments of trustworthiness
- 13-05 Finding the roots of adolescent aggressive behavior: A test of three developmental pathways
- 13-05 Effects of Conflict in Tween Sitcoms on US Students' Moral Reasoning About Social Exclusion
- 13-05 Maternal Education, Home Environments, and the Development of Children and Adolescents (pdf)
- 13-04 Low Birth Weight and Parental Investment: Do Parents Favor the Fittest Child?
- 13-03 Do television and electronic games predict children's psychosocial adjustment? Longitudinal research using the UK Millennium Cohort Study (pdf)
- 13-02 Children’s social competence within close friendship: The role of self-perception and attachment orientations
- 13-02 Parent and Child Self-Reports of Dietary Behaviors, Physical Activity, and Screen Time
- 13-02 Maternal cell phone and cordless phone use during pregnancy and behaviour problems in 5-year-old children
- 13-02 Temperament, parenting, and South Korean early adolescents’ physical aggression: A five-wave longitudinal analysis
- 13-02 TV viewing and obesity among Norwegian children: the importance of parental education
- 13-02 Game on: do children absorb sports sponsorship messages? (pdf)
- 13-02 Are Children Copycats?
- 13-02 Swim club membership and the reproduction of happy, healthy children
- 13-02 A qualitative exploration into young children’s perspectives and understandings of emotional difficulties in other children
- 13-02 Assessing Body Image in Young Children: A Preliminary Study of Racial and Developmental Differences (pdf)
- 13-02 Social-Information-Processing Patterns Mediate the Impact of Preventive Intervention on Adolescent Antisocial Behavior
- 13-01 Mothers' and Fathers' Work Hours, Child Gender, and Behavior in Middle Childhood (pdf)
- 12-12 The effects of monetary and social rewards on task performance in children and adolescents: Liking is not enough
- 12-12 Peer Group Influence on Urban Preadolescents' Attitudes Toward Material Possessions
- 12-12 Environmental Correlates of Active Travel Behavior of Children
- 12-12 Carers of young and old 'are struggling to cope'
- 12-12 Understanding the drive to escort: a cross-sectional analysis examining parental attitudes towards children's school travel and independent mobility (pdf)
- 12-10 The amount of time children spend watching TV and playing video games
- 12-10 How did the television get in the child's bedroom? Analysis of family interviews
- 12-10 Is TV Traumatic for All Youths? The Role of Preexisting Posttraumatic-Stress Symptoms in the Link Between Disaster Coverage and Stress
- 12-10 Cul-de-sac kids
- 12-10 A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Pretend Play in U.S. and Italian Children
- 12-08 Family Meals and Child Academic and Behavioral Outcomes
- 12-08 The Association between Leisure-Time Physical Activities and Asthma Symptoms among 10- to 12-Year-Old Children
- 12-06 I don’t want to get involved: Shyness, psychological control, and youth activities
- 12-06 Racial and Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Children’s Television Use and Self-Esteem
- 12-04 How to avoid 'Nature Deficit Disorder’
- 12-04 Young children’s perspectives and understandings of emotional difficulties in other children
- 12-04 Parents and play - The Ribena Plus Play Report (pdf)
- 12-04 Stigma Building Blocks : How Instruction and Experience Teach Children About Rejection by Outgroups (pdf)
- 12-04 Parental work characteristics and time with children : The moderating effects of parent's gender and children's age
- 12-04 How is parenting style related to child anti-social behaviour?
- 12-02 Influencing factors of screen time in preschool children: an exploration of parents' perceptions through focus groups in six European countries