"... your health and wellbeing research links are always included in our PSHE network newsletter which goes out every half term to all our schools and colleges."
SHEU survey comments
SHEU : nationally-recognised, since 1977, as the specialist provider of reliable local survey data for schools and colleges |
Comments from those using SHEU surveys:
"The wellbeing survey is commissioned by the (...) Team within the County Council and delivered by the Schools Health Education Unit in order to collect robust information about children and young people’s lifestyles. The survey is now in its sixth year and the findings are used to inform (the Council's) annual needs assessment for children’s services and the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment by identifying baseline data and informing targets, service evaluation and improvement. It also acts as a resource to help schools establish appropriate curriculum development, particularly in PSHEE, and provide data to support aspects of the Ofsted self evaluation form." Council report
"We were talking about (the SHEU survey) data at our recent NSCoPSE Conference, for PSHE advisers and consultants. It would be really helpful if some of this powerful data and the trends could be shared in the consultation around the PSHE Review. Colleagues shared their very positive experiences of (the SHEU survey). It provides excellent evidence of behaviour change for children and young people and of the impact of PSHE and wider interventions." Personal and Social Development Consultant
"Thank you for the report. Can I say - it is really informative and interesting to read. Really helps with our school development." PSHE Co-ordinator
"Thanks again for all your help and responses to our endless requests for further (survey) support. I am really pleased to report that the SHEU data has been disseminated widely and is being used as we speak to re-direct service provision and commissioning across a range of services and topic areas. Thank-you!" Public Health Commissioning Manager
"Can I say I say a very big thank you to all involved on your side. We really do appreciate what the project has allowed us to do, therefore allowing us to plan appropriately for our learning in PSH&CE. Thank you David for all your support and guidance here as well." PSH&CE Advisor
"The (named) Children and Young People's Partnership has benefitted from the results of the SHEU survey locally for many years now, and we should like to continue to do so in future." Consultant in Public Health Medicine
"I really think that the HRBQ is a wonderful piece of work in terms of getting useful information for so many different organisations in one go." Healthy Children's Research and Statistics Officer
"I really appreciate the professional service which SHEU offers. We have had a great experience working with Angela on the school surveys." Health Improvement Specialist
"The survey reports have been used to inform commissioning at specific commissioning groups. They are also being used within our Extended Schools Clusters and to inform The Annual Public Health and the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment." Programme Manager - Young People
"As a result of the survey we reviewed and amended PSHE schemes of work, we are currently working on a "Green Travel Plan", a morning breakfast club was established and we further developed 6th Form mentoring." Health Education Coordinator
"We're very happy to commission another survey from you. Our colleagues in School Improvement are dead keen to work with us on this. During our last LA Inspection, we were flagged from our Tellus data as having a bullying problem. We could demonstrate with our SHEU data - which had a much better sample size and coverage of the authority - that we did not have the problem they suggested. The Inspectors went away happy and we are definitely surveying again with SHEU." Local Authority Senior Adviser
"Thank you from my staff to you and all your staff. The speed of 'turn-around' of the questionnaires is outstanding in anyone's terms." Headteacher
"I would like to say that this survey was very useful and made me realise things about PE and health that I had never realised before......Food at school is groovy, especially if your school does Jamie Olivers School Dinners. Viva apples and thanks for the survey." Female pupil, 13 yrs old
"The data for (us) are very useful ... This is especially important when evaluating the impact of interventions regarding alcohol or other areas, as the survey data are likely to provide an earlier indication than routine data sources." Specialist Registrar in Public Health
"We use the data to inform whole school practise: Pastoral programmes for target groups of pupils; Items for discussion with School Council; Information to help us achieve the Healthy School gold standard; To develop and dicuss with pupils our Anit-Bullying Policy; Targeted whole class sessions with the Police Community Support Officers; To share pupil perceptions of all aspects of their school life with parents, staff and governers." Learning Mentor
"The Health-Related Behaviour Survey is an incredibly useful resource for (us) as it provides schools, with invaluable data which can inform curriculum content, methods of lesson delivery and empower schools to better meet the needs of their pupils." Health Education Advisor
"I have never looked at myself in this way before." Pupil
"We would like to take part in the next ECM survey. We have found the data produced invaluable for supporting evidence in our SEF etc." School Vice Principal
"Our primary school has completed SHEU questionnaires and used the data for the past four years." Primary School Learning Mentor
"Thank you very much, David, for another excellent survey. We look forward to receiving our reports." Healthy Schools Co-ordinator
"SHEU data proved the best source of the kind of information we were looking for (...) to provide research support to the National Healthy Schools Programme." Department of Health
"Just to say a huge thank you for all your efforts in helping us with the Health survey amongst pupils. It has provided us with significant data which will be used across the school to help us improve. It helped us to obtain a healthy schools standard as well. I hope we can make this an annual feature as we can track the changing health of our pupils." Headteacher
"One year (following the SHEU survey) responses from our Year 4 cohort caused us concern, so we put in place a number of team building, motivational projects. We then assessed their effectiveness by requesting the SHEU questionnaires for these pupils as Year 5's." Learning Mentor
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your work regarding writing and compiling the sex education survey. The survey was well executed and the schools have found their individual reports very helpful. The results of the survey have enabled the Local Campaign Group to justify the need for young men's campaigns and given us invaluable insight as to the thoughts and experiences of this target group." Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Manager
"It's good to talk with you again - we used so much of those data and did so much with it in schools - we really got the place buzzing!" Consultant in Public Health
"The data from last time were spot-on and we have done lots of work with it. We are very keen to repeat the survey." Headteacher
"I would like to say how much we appreciated the work you and your team have put in to this project, a big thank you for the excellent reports that you have completed on our behalf." Assistant Director of Public Health