Kaiser Family Foundation, 2006. It’s Child’s Play: Advergaming and the Online Marketing of Food to Children. Education and Health 24(3),44-45. PDF
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Hunt,R Regis,D 2006. A survey of homophobic bullying in schools. Education and Health 24(2),30. PDF |
Dixon,H 2006. Sexual Health Skills: A Learning Process. Education and Health 24(4),57. PDF |
Ferri,A 2006. Food education: Bridging the gap between theory and practice. Education and Health 24(4),58-61. PDF |
White,G 2006. Evaluation of the School Fruit and Vegetable pilot scheme. Education and Health 24(4),62-64. PDF |
Regis,D 2006. Differences between paper and online student surveys. Education and Health 24(4),56. PDF |
Balding,A Pascoe,T 2006. 6th Form and FE Healthy Colleges. Education and Health 24(4),53-54. PDF |
McGeorge,D 2006. Young People into 2006. Education and Health 24(2),31. PDF |
Cater,S Coleman,L 2006. 'Planned' teenage pregnancy: Views and experiences of young people. Education and Health 24(3),35-38. PDF |
Sully,L Conrod,P 2006. An innovative approach to the prevention of substance misuse, emotional problems and risky behaviour in adolescents. Education and Health 24(3),39-41. PDF |
Doherty,S Dooris,M 2006. The healthy settings approach: the growing interest within colleges and universities. Education and Health 24(3),42-43. PDF |
Kaiser Family Foundation 2006. It |
Livingstone,S 2006. UK perspective. Education and Health 24(3),45. PDF |
Bonavia,A Fenech,FM 2006. Investigating the extent of substance use by 14 - 16 year old students on the school premises in Malta. Education and Health 24(3),46-48. PDF |
McGeorge,D 2006. Cyberbullying. Education and Health 24(3),48. PDF |
Harris,L 2006. Healthy Lifestyles, Changing Lives. Education and Health 24(4),51. PDF |
Birch,K 2006. Kirklees Healthy College Standard. Education and Health 24(4),52. PDF |
Ridgers,N et al. 2006. The Active City of Liverpool, Active Schools and SportsLinx (A-CLASS) Project. Education and Health 24(2),26-29. PDF |
Gleeson,C 2006. Young People with health problems - their views on how schools can help. Education and Health 24(2),24-25. PDF |
Maggs,A 2006. Sticky Fingers. Education and Health 24(2),23. PDF |
FutureLab 2006. Using games in the classroom. Education and Health 24(2),22. PDF |
Responsibility in Gambling Trust 2006. Educational Work on Problem Gambling. Education and Health 24(2),21. PDF |
Seldon,A 2006. Lessons in life: Why I'm teaching happiness. Education and Health 24(2),19-20. PDF |
Griffiths,M Linsey,A 2006. Adolescent gambling: Still a cause for concern?. Education and Health 24(1),9-11. PDF |
Russell,N 2006. Staying Alive - project overview. Education and Health 24(1),8. PDF |