Education and Health journal Archive

Education and Health articles: complete archive

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Kaiser Family Foundation, 2006. It’s Child’s Play: Advergaming and the Online Marketing of Food to Children. Education and Health 24(3),44-45. PDF

Hunt,R Regis,D 2006. A survey of homophobic bullying in schools. Education and Health 24(2),30. PDF

Dixon,H 2006. Sexual Health Skills: A Learning Process. Education and Health 24(4),57. PDF

Ferri,A 2006. Food education: Bridging the gap between theory and practice. Education and Health 24(4),58-61. PDF

White,G 2006. Evaluation of the School Fruit and Vegetable pilot scheme. Education and Health 24(4),62-64. PDF

Regis,D 2006. Differences between paper and online student surveys. Education and Health 24(4),56. PDF

Balding,A Pascoe,T 2006. 6th Form and FE Healthy Colleges. Education and Health 24(4),53-54. PDF

McGeorge,D 2006. Young People into 2006. Education and Health 24(2),31. PDF

Cater,S Coleman,L 2006. 'Planned' teenage pregnancy: Views and experiences of young people. Education and Health 24(3),35-38. PDF

Sully,L Conrod,P 2006. An innovative approach to the prevention of substance misuse, emotional problems and risky behaviour in adolescents. Education and Health 24(3),39-41. PDF

Doherty,S Dooris,M 2006. The healthy settings approach: the growing interest within colleges and universities. Education and Health 24(3),42-43. PDF

Kaiser Family Foundation 2006. It

Livingstone,S 2006. UK perspective. Education and Health 24(3),45. PDF

Bonavia,A Fenech,FM 2006. Investigating the extent of substance use by 14 - 16 year old students on the school premises in Malta. Education and Health 24(3),46-48. PDF

McGeorge,D 2006. Cyberbullying. Education and Health 24(3),48. PDF

Harris,L 2006. Healthy Lifestyles, Changing Lives. Education and Health 24(4),51. PDF

Birch,K 2006. Kirklees Healthy College Standard. Education and Health 24(4),52. PDF

Ridgers,N et al. 2006. The Active City of Liverpool, Active Schools and SportsLinx (A-CLASS) Project. Education and Health 24(2),26-29. PDF

Gleeson,C 2006. Young People with health problems - their views on how schools can help. Education and Health 24(2),24-25. PDF

Maggs,A 2006. Sticky Fingers. Education and Health 24(2),23. PDF

FutureLab 2006. Using games in the classroom. Education and Health 24(2),22. PDF

Responsibility in Gambling Trust 2006. Educational Work on Problem Gambling. Education and Health 24(2),21. PDF

Seldon,A 2006. Lessons in life: Why I'm teaching happiness. Education and Health 24(2),19-20. PDF

Griffiths,M Linsey,A 2006. Adolescent gambling: Still a cause for concern?. Education and Health 24(1),9-11. PDF

Russell,N 2006. Staying Alive - project overview. Education and Health 24(1),8. PDF


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