Colwell,J O'Connor,T 2004. Nurture groups: Theoretical background and research on their effectiveness. The dramatic increase in numbers of nurture groups (helping children in infant and primary schools who exhibit emotional and behavioural difficulties) is itself an index of success, . Education and Health 22,224-27,. PDF
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Taylor,S Hackett,A Stratton,G Lamb,L 2004. SportsLinx: Improving the health and fitness of Liverpool's youth. One of the largest ongoing health and fitness programmes for 9-14 year olds in Europe is designed to offer a diverse range of sports and activities for young children to increase levels of physical activity and promote a healthier lifestyle,. Education and Health 22(1),11-15. PDF |
Wight,D Dixon,H 2004. SHARE- Sexual Health and Relationships: Safe, Happy and Responsible. The rationale, principles and content of a research-based teacher-led sex education programme that originated in the early 1990s and is increasingly being implemented in schools across Scotland largely due to its positive reception by pupils and teachers and the rigorous evaluation of processes,. Education and Health 22(1),3-7,. PDF |
Griffiths,MD 2004. Children and the Internet Update - Issues for Parents and Teachers. Issues are highlighted to raise awareness about the exploitation of children and potential unsuitability of some material - everyone needs to be both educated about the Internet as well as being educational with the Internet,. Education and Health 22(2),32,. PDF |
Denscombe,M 2004. Health warnings on cigarette packets: perceiving the risk. Smokers do not lack the intelligence to understand the implications of warnings: they interpret the information and filter out the perception of risk and it is clear from research that many people see the personal benefits of smoking as outweighing the (long term) physical dangers associated with tobacco use,. Education and Health 22(3),35-38. PDF |
Allen,B 2004. Drop-in clinics in secondary schools: the perceptions and experiences of school nurses E&H 22(3):39-43. PDF |
Cable,N Sacker,A 2004. Adolescent drinking: A suggestion for future education programmes This study identifies gender specific factors related to adolescent drinking behaviour and makes a number of suggestions including: targeting interventions at all young people, not just those from deprived areas, and involving mothers in programmes aimed at adolescent girls,. Education and Health 22(3),46-47. PDF |
Milton,J 2004. Helping primary school children manage loss and grief: Ways the classroom teacher can help. Examples are given from classroom plans and literature that support loss and grief education and enable children to develop a life skill that will allow them to better manage loss when confronted by it,. Education and Health 22(4),58-60. PDF |
Metcalf,B et al. 2004. The Regulation of Physical Activity in Young Children. The evidence at present suggests that neither better facilities, nor an increase in the amount of time allocated to PE to four hours a week, will improve physical activity levels in children as a whole and thereby impact on the rising tide of obesity,. Education and Health 22(4),61-64. PDF |
Osborn,M. 2005 Great Yarmouth Young Men’s Project. The project won the fpa's national Pamela Sheridan Award in 2004 for outstanding work in sex and relationships education, Education and Health 23(1),9 PDF
Grant,S 2004. The Language of Health-Promoting Schools in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Education and Health 22(4),56-57. PDF |
Bullen,K 2004. Changing Children's Food and Health Concepts: A Challenge for Nutrition Education. This study suggests that children's food classification concepts remain resistant to change despite enhanced exposure to nutrition information,. Education and Health 22(4),51-55. PDF |
Feest,G 2004. Reflections on 10 years as an Adviser for PSHE,. Education and Health 22(3),44-45. PDF |
Balding,A 2004. Water in schools. The increasing number of school initiatives, to make water more accessible, are raising issues about its image and whether drinking it is a middle-class fashion, . Education and Health 22(2),28-31. PDF |
McBride,N Farringdon,F 2004. School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project. Changing 13-16 year old students' alcohol-related behaviours by providing three phases of alcohol harm reduction lessons during secondary school in Western Australia,. Education and Health 22(2),19-23,. PDF |
Maunder,Y 2004. My day as a school nurse, . Education and Health 22(1),8-10. PDF |
SHEU 2004. TRENDS: Young people's worries.. Education and Health 22(1),16,. PDF |