Regis,D 2005. Good News about Drug Education. In 2003, we reported on a link between lower drug use and usefulness of drug education. Now we are able to counter recent headlines: "The doped-up generation - drugs and drink grab the young", and, "Kids of today are happier than ever - no wonder, the dope and booze they get through". The Schools Health Education Unit has been following trends in large samples of pupils from schools using surveys since 1987, and, while there are concerns, there is good news in the figures too,. Education and Health 23(2),24. PDF
Education and Health journal Archive
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Shelley,C 1987. Sugar consumption and tooth decay. Education and Health 5(1),14-16. PDF |
Clift,S 1987. AIDS education strategies for young people. Education and Health 5(5),108-111. PDF |
Spear,M 1987. Road safety coverage in primary and middle schools. Education and Health 5(5),101-106. PDF |
Hovey,A 1987. School governors and health education. Education and Health 5(4),90-94. PDF |
Balding,J 1987. A preview of 'Young People in 1986' - data from 18,002 young people. Education and Health 5(4),76-88. PDF |
Bensley,LB 1987. Health promotion schemes for teachers. Education and Health 5(3),67-70. PDF |
Curtis,S Sahota,P 1987. A survey of tuck shops in Bradford schools. Education and Health 5(3),62-66. PDF |
Hyde,H 1987. The Berkshire health education project. Education and Health 5(3),56-61. PDF |
Farley,P 1987. A local AIDS programme for staff and pupils.. Education and Health 5(3),52-55. PDF |
Balding,J 1987. A selection of health-related behaviours in 1986 - data from 18,002 young people. Education and Health 5(2),38-45. PDF |
Wrayford,C 1987. Head lice: a report from the battlefield. Education and Health 5(2),36-37. PDF |
Warin,A 1987. Skin cancer: education should start young. Education and Health 5(5),112-114. PDF |
Buckley,S Gillies,P 1987. Are school meals associated with smoking?. Education and Health 5(5),115-118. PDF |
Ward,M 1987. Who reads 'Education and Health'?. Education and Health 5(2),32-35. PDF |
Nash,J 1987. Bring drugs education into the curriculum!. Education and Health 5(2),28-31. PDF |
MacGregor,I 1987. Some facts about toothbrushing and dental care. Education and Health 5(1),9-13. PDF |
Hancocks,S 1987. 'Natural Nashers': teaching the teachers. Education and Health 5(1),7-8. PDF |
Crocher,R Clements,M 1987. Dental health education: linking the disciplines. Education and Health 5(1),4-6. PDF |
Code,T Redman,K 1987. Some first findings from the Primary Topics survey. Education and Health 5(1),17-21. PDF |