HIV cases in the UK continue to increase and are up by 5000 to 58300

HIV cases in the UK continue to increase and are up by 5000 to 58300

A decline in 12-15 year olds' knowledge about the dangers of HIV/AIDS can be seen in results from our surveys, which are used nationwide (and beyond). Click on this link

In this web site we publish a recent set of results from many schools across a wide area. The levels in your school and linked schools, (e.g. the feeder primary schools to the "fed" secondary school) can provide objective evidence to support action to manage this dimension of school life. Examination of the results at parents' evenings, although very challenging and demanding of political skill, can be very constructive.

This page links with one of the eight page reports mentioned above. Click on this link. Examining the report reveals the wide range of behaviours measured in our surveys. The data from the surveys in the first instance belong to the schools. Typically the schools are supported by Primary Care Trusts and by Local Education Authorities, and by one another.

Click here for our latest figures about STIs, contraception and HIV/AIDS.

Individual schools get their own detailed results separating boys and girls and in different year groups. Hundreds of schools are involved each year possibly including your local school. The linked report is very general and shows the combined results together with the range of information collected from the many communities involved.
